against all odds...

Yeah I am heading to bed too. Thanks for lightening the

Not that I'll get much sleep... I've got to keep an eye on my new pair of Goffins... they're first egg is hatching now. I'm sure they'll be fine, and I plan to just leave them alone... but at some point early in the morning I'll peak in and check that all is well (they're really good about not minding when I peak in the nest box).

OMG !!!! You have GOFFINS !!!!! eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk :11::30::32:
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  • #22
I have 3 breeding pairs of Goffins. Quincy and Peaches (have a baby now), Pinkie and Brain (eggs are hatching now), and Billy and Angie. They make me crazy :)

I have 15 cockatoos total (not including babies).
I have 3 breeding pairs of Goffins. Quincy and Peaches (have a baby now), Pinkie and Brain (eggs are hatching now), and Billy and Angie. They make me crazy :)

I have 15 cockatoos total (not including babies).

Bare Eyes ? I had to walk away from one or I would have bought him. He was climbing all over me and following me around carrying his toy , lolol. I never laughed so hard in my life . I had to wrestle his toy from him and toss it far away from me to be able to escape him ! What a comedian this boy was , such a love.
But at the time , I had just purchased my Goffin and I knew it wouldnt be right to bring home another baby . Sigh.....
My favorite toos : Goffin , Bare Eyes , Eleanor , Citrons , Lessers , and of course Rose Breasted. I just melt over these guys :):white1:
Love this story!! I really want to hear updates about this special little one. Also, great work, wow!!
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  • #25
I'll add some more recent photos tonight.
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  • #26
Goffin hatched problem free :) I'll put him in a different thread later tonight :D
Any of your toos speak clearly? So far, the ones I've encountered and mine as well mumbles. They speak so light sometimes I can hardly they turn around giving you the hideous scream from such pretty bird....but we love'em....I should say I love them cause my partner isn't fond of Java. He does fly attacks towards my partner...for now I take him out when I am alone in the room.
Would love more pictures, I love the Miracle-type name. Prodigy or something.. :)

Thankyou for all your hard work, I can honestly only aspire to be as brilliant and able with birds as you are.
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  • #29
So here a few photos... the first one is him at 3 days old, the second one was taken at almost two weeks old (hadn't grown much at all), and the last one is of him about 3 days ago. My camera is acting up on my phone, so I am having trouble taking pictures (my phone needs to be upgraded desperately). I'll get some new photos soon one way or the other.


OMG ! The poor little guy , how adorable :30:
Are you going to name him yet ?
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  • #32
I've not decided what to do with him yet. Obviously I won't sell him. It may sound harsh, but I won't sell a baby to anyone unless it's perfect. This little guy is gonna be missing a toe, and with his rough start in life I cannot be certain he won't have problems down the road. I don't necessarily plan to keep him either (I do have a home in mind for him, but I'll have to speak to them first). So, I am not sure if I should name him yet or not. I usually name all my babies anyway, but I usually wait until their eyes are open and they are starting to feather before I name them. So, for now Miracle is a good name to refer to him, but as his personality develops I'll be more certain what to call him... For example I once had a baby bird who did everything so dramatically and was such a little performer I named him Hamlet... At some point I'll look at him and his name will just come to me. (I alrready had a bird named miracle because it hatched the day of our big fire, so the name was taken).
And im a sucker for special needs babies.....I have several of them...
Can you post pictures of the baby Goffins ?
Please , please , please , please , please ???:(:p:rolleyes:
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  • #35
To answer your earlier question MikeyTN... I've only known 2 talented talking 'toos. The first was a U2 that had been found in a dumpster at an apartment building (in a cage)...Someone threw him away... literally (but that's a rant for a different time). He could say "That's a good boy" with amazing clarity. The other... the evil Moluccan hen that I have. She says several types of hello and hi and how are ya. Other than those two, I've never known many good clear talking 'toos. But I know lots of 'toos that can do tricks and disassemble cages....
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  • #36
Give me until tomorrow to get my other camera charged and I'll take some Goffin photos and put them in a different post.
To answer your earlier question MikeyTN... I've only known 2 talented talking 'toos. The first was a U2 that had been found in a dumpster at an apartment building (in a cage)...Someone threw him away... literally (but that's a rant for a different time). He could say "That's a good boy" with amazing clarity. The other... the evil Moluccan hen that I have. She says several types of hello and hi and how are ya. Other than those two, I've never known many good clear talking 'toos. But I know lots of 'toos that can do tricks and disassemble cages....

OMG!!! Im glad you saved him from the dumpster...that's horrible!!!
Oh thank you so much :) I cant wait to see them , the little love bugs are so freakin guy is soooooo cuddly , he lays on his back in my lap so we can play with his ring toy. I guess he just likes how it feels to lay on his back , lolol. he holds his ring toy and just passes it back and forth to each foot. If I try to grab it , he squeaks at me ,lolol. When he does this it seems like he goes into a trance :32: Its the weirdest thing .....
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  • #39
I could fill a whole forum with just sob story rescues I've dealt with. Being known as the "cockatoo lady" means a lot of suffering birds make it to my doorstep. Things are getting better, I keep in touch with people who get 'toos from me, and they're doing well... plus I am seeing a vast improvement in parrot owners dedication and knowledge in the past 5 years. It gives me hope. I am just hoping the public will learn to be extra picky about where they get birds from... We are starting to get quality homes, so now we need more quality in our breeders and rescues....

I still haven't heard of a parrot rescue that does half of the testing and vet care that we do for rehab birds... In fact, I find that all rescues I've personally toured or looked into don't do anything more than MAYBE a quick vet check.... Parrot rescues are just as guilty and irresponsible as the punks that leave 'toos in a dumpster (again a rant for a different place).

I could tell you things about the Gabriel Foundation that would make you sick...
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That's wonderful to hear. Im still contemplating if I should give Java back to the original owner cause she ask for him back. She give him bad diet, smokes in the house, allow the bird to run her house, etc. But down deep, she really loves him. And I've been retraining Java on behavioral issues and he's doing real good. He eats fruits and veggies good too. Now if I can get him to eat pellets. So I dunno if she even deserves to have him back even though she knows what she was doing was unhealthy.

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