Aggressive sun conure because his fight feathers grew back?


New member
Mar 14, 2014
1 year old sun conure: Hotrod
Hello all!!!

So I have had Hotrod about seven months now. When we first brought him home, he could fly, so after a couple days of research, I decided to clip his wings. He was in a new home and we were new parrot owners, so it just seemed like the best choice for us. He was still a happy bird and seemed not too bothered that he couldn't fly. We started bonding. I would take him outside to see all the nature, and he was always out of his cage when I was home. He also would love it when my (soon -to-be) mother in law would come to visit. He loved her so much he didn't want to step up on my finger when she had to go! That brings me to my point....
For about a month or so now, Hotrod feathers have grown back where he can fly. So I decided to see how this went. Everything was fine at first...but now he is getting bossy. He flys all around the house, usually wherever I go, which was fine. But now he flies to places I don't want him to, chewing the door trimming, leaving me poop surprises on curtains, etc. Plus even more recently, he is getting bossy sometimes in the morning when I try to put him up, flying away and sassing me. He has started biting at me more, plus the biggest change..... he went from loving my mother in law more than anything to hating her.... if she comes over, even if he is on/in his cage, he starts bowing up, fluffing his feathers, opening his break, and swaying back and forth cautiously. The last time she came over he was on my finger and I was standing next to her. She started to talk to him and he bit the CRAP out of me three times. I don't understand how he could go from loving her to hating her when she has done nothing to him.

Can parrots behavior change drastically like this from being able to fly after months of not being able to? He will be two in December and I understand birds can be on bad behavior like this because of the hormonal changes. But Hotrod personality slowly started changing when he could fly. I'm considered because my fiance and I will be going on our honeymoon for seven days in a month and my mother in law was going to take care of Hotrod.
Do y'all think if I clip his wings he will be less bossy, or do you think it's his hormonal changes?


New member
Aug 16, 2014
Port Richey, Florida
Blue & Gold Macaw [Maya] // Sun Conure Baby [Zippo] // 2 Lovebirds [Nibblet & Nellie]
Well, i would just like to say that firstly, That is typical behavior for a Sun Conure that is intimidated by something or someone. it sounds like he just doesn't like that particular person. There are some youtube videos that talk about how to stop them from biting a specific person. using treats and toys.

Onto the flighted part, This is a very controversial subject, some say leave them flighted, some say clip. I say both - in their own circumstances. In this case, if he is wreaking havoc on your house, if you can't get an aviary for him to fly in, id say clip. Him chewing stuff around your house is potentially deadly, with paint and what not. So i'd say clip until you can really get a handle on things

Good Luck!


New member
Sep 24, 2014
somewhere in new england
Diesel, 3 yr old yellow-sided conure and adopting (no name yet) a 5 yr old cinnamon conure
I'm adopting a 5yr old male cinnamon conure that's aggressive. I could have got a baby but wanted to give an older bird a chance for a good home. I have a 3 yr old female pineapple. I have 2 cages. She thinks she's part I'm used to owning these types of pets. I'm looking forward to meeting the little guy. I will be picking up at the airport in 2 weeks. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I'm adopting a 5yr old male cinnamon conure that's aggressive. I could have got a baby but wanted to give an older bird a chance for a good home. I have a 3 yr old female pineapple. I have 2 cages. She thinks she's part I'm used to owning these types of pets. I'm looking forward to meeting the little guy. I will be picking up at the airport in 2 weeks. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks

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