Albie update


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
Ive realised ...i havent done an Albie update since i found out shes a little girl!

Her behavior seems to be improving so we think it was very hormone related and shes now gone into a moult ... feathers are everywhere .

Shes learned a new trick ! She can give high 5 now .

She has consistently weighed 80g well since before her vet trip which is a whike back now but shes healthy and feels lean yet she looks tiny . I imagined she would look bigger .

I found she loves sweet potato fries

We are now stuck in a routine where she insists we all go to bed at the same time when she says so

Weve been out on a couple of walks in her carrier and she loved it . On my days off when mr stich is in the office ive started talking her with us to drop him off and pick him up , shes been loving that too

Shes just an adorable fluff


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We are now stuck in a routine where she insists we all go to bed at the same time when she says so
That's hilarious! Dinner time in our household revolves around when Lovejoy demands his pre-bedtime snuggle, which is just on sunset. Which means it changes as the seasons change, whether we're hungry or not. Amazing how they so easily control our lives, isn't it??
Love an Albie update!

She is so demanding, just like Ona! Ona tells me when to feed the dogs now 🤣

I love that you take her with you to drop off Mr. Stitch! I bet this really helps with her transitioning to him being away.
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Shes so funny . She will tell us its bed and sit on the door and if we dint listen to her she will fly to one of and tug pn our clothes. If 1 of us wont budge she will fly to her cage and scream bed time until they move hahah

Sadly the car rides are stopping as i go back to full time as im taking over a dog grooming salon in my town where the groomer is retiring...although i maight be able to make pick ups work , detour home ,pop her in her carrier then go get mr stitch ...
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Green cheeks are much smarter than people give them credit for being

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