All about my flock and how it all began


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Las Vegas Nv
Amos Jenday conure
Andy green cheek conure
Axel Galah
I promise that all my post won't be this long. It started the beginning of last year. I was on youtube watching videos and ran across a video of a parrot talking and just having fun. Then I started to watch more and more videos on parrots. I have always been into to animals, I have a cat that will be 19yrs old this yr. I was a military police dog handler in the Army. So as I was looking at these videos I thought I would like to look into getting a parrot. So I went on Amazon and started to buy books on everything parrots. At this time I didn't know witch one I wanted, so I was just reading on training and care of all parrots. I started to go to the local bird stores to look at birds. This one place I liked the best she hand raises all her birds she sells. She also gets them started on eating pellets and sprouts, and veggies right from the start. And the pellets are a good quality pellet. So I just kept on reading and watching everything parrots. Every time I had a day off I would go in to the bird store and look around to see what she had. I would ask her all kinds of questions and talk to her for at least an hour or so. Every time I would go in, this Jenday was there, and I would say hi to him. I thought about it and thought about it. I decided that I would make a one of my bedrooms into a birdroom since I have Peanut (my cat). I thought this would be the best for now. so I made up the birdroom. I hooked up a rope that went all the way across the room in front of the window so that when he was able to fly, he would be able to land on the rope and look out. I bought a air purifier, and since I live in Vegas it is very dry here, so I got a humidifier and I also got a small CD player. I also put in some florescent lighting over head with a timer. The cage I bought is big it is 32x22x45. So the day came for me to go get my parrot when I went in to the shop I walked over to the cage to get him. I walked pasted this little green cheek that kept on whistling at me. Well before I left that little green cheek came home with me too. And that's how I ended up with Amos and Andy. The day I got Amos and Andy was July 2 2014. Now here is the thing I work nights and sleep during the day. So by getting the two of them into a routine were I can sleep was pretty easy. LOL I am really not that great of sleeper so I wake up about every 4 hrs. So here is our routine. When I get home at 7:15am the lights just turn on I feed peanut and then I go in and say hello to the guys. I start by getting them out and clean their waters and cages and get that all set up for them. Then I go over and spend time with the two of them about 2hrs. I give them treats and train them a little and just have fun. Then I feed them put them up and turn on there music. ( I found some they like) turn on the humidifier, and the air purifier. Then I go and eat, if I have eggs I will go and sit with them and give them some of my egg. then I go to bed when I get up the next time witch is about 2:00pm I give them their veggies and fruit. at around 4:15pm the lights in the room turn off at 4:45pm I close the blinds on the window and I have a piece of plywood that cover over the window so no light get in and its nice and dark. My house over looks the strip and the lights from the strip and my neighbors have these light that are bright so this way the birds can get some good sleep. Now for Axel (galah) I just got him on 2Jan 2015. He was 6 months old on 28 December 2014 I better stop for now think I went over board LOL hello 008.jpg

two 016.jpg008.jpgAxel 002.jpg


New member
May 17, 2010
South Africa - Cape Town
Mustache Parakeet - Milo
CAG - Charlie
Hi and welcome! You have beautiful babies!

I love hearing how people got to get owned by their fids, the back stories are always very interesting. Sometimes sad, sometimes such a joy, but always glad to see them in the hands of someone who cares.

Thanks for sharing your story and the stunning pics!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
You didn't go overboard at all! Wonderful story and photos, thank you for sharing. All your birds are beautiful. Enjoy your stay on the forum.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
I used to have a Galah named Axel, too! He has since passed away, but I sure loved him.
Welcome aboard!

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