

Active member
Nov 8, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
Petrie ~ Green Cheek Conure
Iago! ~ Sun Conure - RIP 11/20/2021
I think I'm starting to get allergic to Iago :( At first I thought it was just fall allergies but I notice that they get worse when I am with him. I really don't want to have to give him up but I don't think I would have a choice if I really am allergic
Have you got a HEPA type air filter? That should be able to help :)
I would try misting down the cage bottom a couple of times a day and before you change the paper. That works wonders here. Also like everybody said, get an air purifier. It might not be the bird. It might just be the dust that he stirs up in the air. (Hopefully)
I have allergies, too, and I was so afraid I would be allergic to my new cockatoo. So far, the air purifier and Zyrtek have kept me from having any problems.
Also make sure he doesn't get too many baths.

Once a day is not *too much* but it is on the frequent end. Perhaps a aloe spray/mist would minimize shedding skin and keep the dander down. (I'd only recommend pure aloe in water.)
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he can bathe too frequently? i didn't know that. he just loves playing in the water and i sometimes think he's more fish than bird
I suggest a good air purifier! I don't think I'm allergic to Puck, but it helped immensely when I lived with cats (ew). I have used it ever since, and it seems to help with all of my allergies, even when I'm not at home (less stress on the immune system). I have a Living Air with a lint screen (not even the HEPA, although that'd be nice) and I have it on 24/7.
You know...I am allergic to dogs, cats, birds...I had an allergy test as a teenager and don't remember a single day I've ever woken up without my eyes nearly swollen shut, sneezing my head off and allergy headaches.

Two years ago this March my 14 year old Shih-Tzu died. I was horribly allergic to her. Especially when she'd sneak into my bed at night and sleep RIGHT on my pillow. But...I'd never get rid of a pet just because of an allergy. I mean if it was life or a peanut allergy or something...then I get that.

I'd definitely try some OTC allergy meds (I can't take because I have a lung hopefully you will benefit) or try the above mentioned air purifier. I never had luck with air purifiers to be honest...but it's always worth a try before deciding to get rid of your baby.

Best of luck to you!
Ah, on another note...I think my conure is allergic to me.

He gets in my hair and wraps it all around him and sneezes several times.

Yes, a bird can be bathed too often. Excessive bathing can lead to dry skin, which leads to more dander, and worse allergies.

Again, I doubt you are bathing him too often - particularly if he enjoys it, keep it up.
What symptoms are you having? A few weeks after we brought home Winkee I had him on my arm and he scratched it and I came out in hives. I have had allergy testing done and came up positive for cats and dust mites. I freaked out worried that I was allergic to Winkee after the hive. He had bitten me several times before and scratched me and I hadn't had a reaction though, so I called an Avian vet for their opinion and was told it most likely wasn't him if I hadn't had reactions before and that Conures are generally pretty allergy friendly. I was told to thoroughly scrub out his cage and toys with dishwashing detergent and then to spray his cage out with bird friendly disinfectant and of course bathe Winkee. I also threw out his happy hut and another toy that most likely had dust mites on them. After doing all of this we haven't had an issue. I make sure I frequently clean his cage & disinfect it either weekly or at least fortnightly to keep the nasties at bay.
I don't know if this might help your situation or not, but figured it was worth the suggestion, as I know how devastated I was when I was faced with the prospect of being allergic to my bird.
Ah, on another note...I think my conure is allergic to me.

He gets in my hair and wraps it all around him and sneezes several times.


He might be mimicking you. My conure "sneezes" after I do. He also says "whew!!!" after I turn off the vacuum. (I never realized i say that).
I would definitely try some OTC allergy meds and see if that helps.
I'd do a thorough house cleaning too, just to rule out dust mites and anything else that may be lurking in your house!

I'm allergic to cats, and I love cats. And, I have a cat, and have had so for 13 years... I got him for Christmas when I was 5. He is bred to produce less of the allergen compound in his saliva, but even then I still react to the minute amount he does have (Tests show he has nowhere near what a normal cat would have, but it still causes more then enough of a reaction to be a health concern, even if I can tolerate him better then most other cats).

BUT, if I set up air filters and give the house a thorough clean, remove anything else causing allergies (dust etc) along with any hair or saliva he may have deposited, my allergies are manageable even without medication, and I'm a bad case! My poor old cat had to stay with my parents when I went to uni, and honestly I have more issues with the house here simply because of the dust then I ever did in that house with him.

What I'm trying to say is even if you do have some allergy to your bird, chances are it can be managed if you give your house a good scrubbing (even the cleanest place can be a haven for allergens!), vacuum the hell out of the carpets, even apply something to kill mites if possible (not near your birds!) do the drapes too! Clean out the closet, wash all clothes and linen not used regularly, etc. (edit, clean the gaps in the windows where outside allergens like pollen gather too! Get everywhere! :D ) Anywhere that could be a trap for allergens, mites, etc, go rambo on it. By doing this you will reduce the allergen load in your house, so even if you do have an allergic reaction to the bird, your not also having an allergic reaction to everything else making it so much worse :) And, like the others have said, air filters are amazing for this problem! Even for people without allergies!

Good luck! Empty that house out top to bottom and clean everything, and I bet you'll be feeling much better in no time!

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