amazon blue fronted smell


May 7, 2015
We just picked up or amazon Blue Fronted five days ago and noticed he has a very strong smell. Some people have told me that is natural. Is that true.He is 8 mths old Got him from a breeder. Thank You Chaz:green:
I don't know how BFAs smell, but I can tell you that my YNA smells like a ferret. The smell is not quite offensive (and it gets a bit less noticeable after Willie takes a bath), but I wouldn't quite call it pleasant either! I keep his cage and him squeaky clean, but you can smell ferret when you get to about 6". I'm so glad Willie is not a "face cuddler" :)
Yes, Amazons can emit an odor (and to my nose it's sheer heaven!! :21:) Since I've never sniffed a ferret, I can't say they smell like that. Many people call it a 'musky' odor.

All I know is that if they would bottle that Amazon odor, I'd be applying it heavily...and regularly. :D

An excited Amazon will smell stronger than a very relaxed one. Both of mine seem to have an 'off' and 'on' button, as they can literally smell up a room in no time at all. YUM!!
I love "huffing" my zons.
When I picked up Gollum a week ago I noticed a strong smell. He had a shower a day or two later. While he was wet, he smelled worse! Now, either he smells better... or I am just use to his smell because I do not smell him anymore lol.
Over the years, all of my Amazons have selectively omitted a scent, commonly when contented and/or when they are excited (happy type). I have not picked-up on the scent when they were overloaded / hot. I had been told long ago that the scent was a signal that all was well in the Amazon's world. Just one of the many reasons: I Love Amazons.

A smell or odder can be heavenly or far from it based on our perception.
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My blue front definitely produces an odor. He seems to deliberately make it when he's happy and like Wendy said, has the ability to turn it on and off. It's a slightly 'musty' odor, but definitely not a bad odor. I personally really like the amazon smell. It means my boy is happy and content (and that makes me happy and content:green:). All the amazons I've been around have made this odor too (I grew up with zons). It has nothing to do with being dirty or stinky animals either, just an amazon trait that indicates a happy, healthy bird. I bet you'll learn to love it too in time:).
Omg doolie use to smell like vanilla to me...I use to smell him all the time...I nick named him vanilla bean.
I seem to always have my nose on Zilla! She probly thinks Mommy is crazy, but I love her smell when she is happy!
Baxter has his own special birdie smell and I love it. I smell him all the time. Taylor had her own smell, too. My son and I used to smell her constantly.

I've never smelled an Amazon so not sure if Baxter's smell is as strong.
My BFA "Gonzo" consistently smells like roses. Of course that scent is enjoyed from beyond his beak-strike distance!!
Not sure how other Amazons smell.. but my bluefront has the sweet odor of honey that comes from around his beak area. Very pleasant actually. Its mostly noticed when he give me "sugar" on the lips.
Since Amazon relatives the Pionus are the other species who puff out this scent at will, hubby and I call Raven "Stinky" :(. We hate the musty scent. It's almost a 'sourish' smell to me. I have smelled the Cuban zon I used to have, and she smelled very similar, so we are talking about the same smell here I believe.

When I picked up Gollum a week ago I noticed a strong smell. He had a shower a day or two later. While he was wet, he smelled worse! Now, either he smells better... or I am just use to his smell because I do not smell him anymore lol.

Poicephalus don't have this "particular" smell that is being talked about ;). I believe the Amazons and Pionus are the only two species who do this musty 'puff' as if they have an on/off button for it. All birds regardless of species have a strong wet feather smell.
Ok let me explain the ferret smell to those of you who haven't had the pleasure :) Ferrets smell exactly like RIPE Concord grapes. The "musty" some of you describe is the smell of a fermenting Concord grape!

I am talking about de-scented ferrets. (Yes, they are sold de-scented). I can't even imagine what a non-altered ferret would smell like. So yes, they smell sweet, but sweet and "grapey". Now all please go and stick your nose into a bunch of ripe Concord grapes and then compare it to the smell of your Zon :)

If the cloud of Eau de Concord is proof of happyness, I believe my Willie is a happy, very happy, very VERY happy bird. If he worked in my office I'd have to tell him to go a bit lighter on his aftershave!
Kyo smells like a puppy before a bath... but her wet feathers smell TERRIBLE. I love sniffing her unless she is freshly bathed (which is the time when she wants to cuddle right up to me of course haha). I often sit my nose on her back and sniff... she seems to like it for some strange reason :p wow this sounds so much better in my head than it does on paper.

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