Amazon Parrot need help!! (Video)


New member
Apr 16, 2024
Amazon Golden Crown
I’ve posted a video in the Amazon parrots sections and on this thread. I need help understanding why it makes that sound repeatedly. We got the parrot three days ago and got a simple check by the vet before buying.

The Amazon came with mask tape on the wings as well, which we have not taken off due to the fear that it will fly onto the big perch like lights we have in the house. The parrot is only 6 months old. Please help.
that noise is begging, asking to be fed.
may not be fully weened .\\\
tape on the wings sounds cruel unless due to injury
Clearly a begging call.

Food is a good possibly for a young Amazon as when they loose their home at a young age a return to being provided formula from an eye dropper is a common method of comforting them.

Did you get a Hatch Certificate with you young Amazon. That document commonly includes their Hatch Date, the species of each parent. the name and contact information of the breeder and any one between the breeder and you!! You state that your Amazon was seen by a Vet, that paperwork would be very helpful!

If you are located within the USA, that is a requirement as a means of limiting Black Market Amazons!
Hi friend! As my good pal 'Boats has said, this is food begging behavior. Try to get some actual baby parrot formua (may not be readily available where you live in the Middle East) follow the directions about mixing and TEMPERATURE (critical). A candy thermometer is perfect for checking that.

As far as tape on wings, I would remove that, CAREFULLY. There are so many outdated things people do to parrots, around this world! If this is not a medically required reason, like for some almost broken feathers, I would remove it.

Is the vet you used a Avian Vet? Dog and cat vets know very little about Avian medicine, its really a whole different practice of study. If not, try to find one you can see. I would recommend getting a full work up - blood, stool, the whole works, now that he is feeling good and well. That way the vet will have a base line to compare it to, should he become ill in the future.

Lastly, please read with deep understanding the threads at the top of our Amazon sub-forum. Priceless information awaits you and your parrot there.

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