

New member
Apr 22, 2008
hello everyone I am new hear.I am intersted in finding out information about a yellow naped amazon we think it is.I have a man wanting to sell the bird but he thinks it is a macaw.well we sent a picture to another lady and she said she thought it was a yellow naped amazon.Does anyone on here own one of these.Are they good birds?TAlk any? he said this one prefers women and has good vocabulary but some people tell u anything.I have done reserach and just wanted to know what others thought about this type of bird.I have 3 lovebirds,2 cocakteils and 1 quaker.This bird has a small yellow spot in the back of her head.Not sure how old.He said he was told when he got her it was a macaw but the red eyes in the picture gave this one away she said..She described this bird and I sent the information to him and he said she desribed the bird to a t so I am guessing thats what she is any information are sites would be greatly appreciated.
Hi How much is this person asking ? I mean they dont talk much this particular species of amazon ? alot would depend on how much he wants for the bird I myself would not pay over 200.00 for a re home . I hope you do consider the bird even though they dont have much luck with these types for talking but they certainly need a home all of them need a home . good luck .
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I have looked on sites and they say they are good talkers.I also no a lady whom has one and it talks really well.I am not paying anything for the bird.
When I think of birds that could potentially be great talkers, Amazons are second on the list, only to African Greys. The YN Amazon is a very popular species, but, amazons are not for the novice handler. If you haven't handled larger birds before you will need to do some research on Amazons and some of the characteristics of these birds, including hormonal changes during breeding season and how that changes their attitudes.

Dolphin, you don't say why these people are trying to rehome this bird, I would be interested in why they are doing this, and
how long they have had him. Also, for a more accurate identification, if you could get a picture and post it up here I am sure that we could confirm, or deny, that this is a YNA that we are talking about.

We have a yellow naped Amazon. There's no mistaking her for a Macaw! They are excellent talkers! Ours never shuts her yap. Ok, maybe I'm exagerrating a little. She just loves talking. She actually has gotten our Grey to quiet down a little. He just can't compete with that chatterbox. Our grey picked up "Hi Rocky" (her name) in no time because she's saying it so much. Of course, with talking comes the noises you don't want. Ever try talking on the phone with birds yelling in the background?

As far as ID, if you google "yellow naped amazon" you can find pictures. They can have varying amounts of yellow. They're fairly large birds but not even close to the size of a B&G Macaw. If you look in the photo gallery on this forum, there are pictures of Rocky.

If there's nothing wrong with this bird behaviorly, they are nice birds. I've heard they can be aggressive but ours is very gentle. Could be because we have a female? We just adore Rocky even though she has her obnoxious moments.

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ok the reason he is getting rid of her is he has a breeding thing going.He says he wants only birds to keep outside and he had a quaker qhom was in the cage with the amazon and we got it first.We was told he would need work and he would bite.Well the first day we had him he let us do anything we want to him.My kids even held him.Now the amazon.No bad habits.She is talking already says a good bit.He said he was told she is a she but she has never been tested.Which I plan to do with both quaker and amazon.My quaker sings the little rhythm little piggy went to market.Not sure if the quaker acted out cause they were together but he is a sweetie now.He just wants small birds to breed not birds up in the house.he said she prefers women and she can be held and all.We love birds!He said when he got her she was told to be a macaw/well when a lady asked for a picture he sent and she told him it was a amazon.she sent description of amazon and he said she described her to a t.She has a small yellow patch on her neck in back of head.Not sure how to post pictures but could give my email and send from there to anyone who is willing to see if thats what she is.If I will not get in trouble for posting email.I know a lady and hers is suppost to be male and it talks great.

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