

New member
Aug 31, 2013
5 year old CAG GIZMO
4 year old DYHA RIO
4 month old greenwing macaw Myha
2 year old CAG ROXY
12 year old rescue CAG MARLEY
15 year old rescue CAG SMOKEY
Dont want to offend anyone but im a regular reader on here and on the amazon section all people write is about aggression and crazy amazons lunging biting hormonal cant really understand why people bother with them av had one myself and had the same experience with a BFA. THINK only really experienced should bother with them coz far to many end up in rescues
I think people need to be aware of what they are getting themselves into and be prepared to deal with it. Amazons do require a certain style of handling and a leader.

I myself had no bird experience at all and am doing very well with a 36 year old DYH wild caught amazon coming out of a rescue who hadn't really been handled since his original owner dies 3 years ago.

I think we are now fortunate enough to live in a communication age where we can talk and answers can be found.
I have mixed emotions on hearing this...

Yeah, amazons, and hot 3 amazons in particular get dumped A LOT...

Mostly people need to learn to read their body language more than anything...

They require a little more knowledge because there is so much nonverbal communication going on...

But overall, if you do that, they are pretty easy birds to work with, I think.

But then, I'm biased because I've worked with so many, and AM experienced...

And my 38 year old BFA was the sweetest, most bonded, most personable, and funniest bird I ever owned!!!
If someone was looking for a docile bird to cuddle and play, yes an Amozon would not be a good choice. But they are intelligent, active, fascinating birds. For myself, I did the research and knew that mine was one of the 'hot three' and would go through a hormonal phase like he is now. I'm very grateful to have this site to get valuable input from other owners. I didn't get Rocko for entertainment, I got him to learn how to share a life with a bird by learning what that is on their terms.
If someone was looking for a docile bird to cuddle and play, yes an Amozon would not be a good choice. But they are intelligent, active, fascinating birds. For myself, I did the research and knew that mine was one of the 'hot three' and would go through a hormonal phase like he is now. I'm very grateful to have this site to get valuable input from other owners. I didn't get Rocko for entertainment, I got him to learn how to share a life with a bird by learning what that is on their terms.

I have had somewhere around 14-ish amazons over the years, including three (at one time four) permanent residents, and a number of fosters who came and went over the years...

They didn't come to me docile. They became docile when I worked with them. It takes a little longer with an amazon. Both of mine will go to anyone without biting. Strangers can't just walk up and scratch their heads or anything... (That would be my greenwing!) But there are very few who will do that. It's not really a reasonable expectation to have... but they step up for strangers without biting.

All or most parrots have strong personalities, and attitude... it's part of their charm.
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i think a lot including myself dont do enough research before getting one. Wish i came on here before i got one coz id of never bought one and now jaspers been passed on again which i dont like just hope he's found a good home.
My Hunter is THE snuggliest Amazon - NO kidding. She'd be happy hanging on me all day long, preening me, hiding under my sweater or hair, nibbling my ear lobes while giving me goosebumps, etc etc etc. She has NO mean, nasty or temperamental bone in her green, sweet body. :D And she is that sweet with the ENTIRE family.
I guess they're not for everyone. However for those of us who can , there's nothing like the love of a good zon. Several of mine have been life long companions. Where is your BFA now? Was the bird a failure or you? Most of the post you refer to are from folks who got a zon (usually a rescue with issues) and THEN joined the forum for help. Perhaps joining before getting a zon would have kept those issues from arising. Like in your situation. Thank goodness for the dedicated souls willing to help out.

PS ,,cuddly, my hen nape is the cuddliest parrot you could imagine.
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I would love to get an Amazon some day ... I love their feisty personalities and when they laugh or sing it's amazing. But I think you're right that people often don't know what they are getting into when they obtain a bird. Unfortunately, I bet a lot of people decide to get an Amazon after they've seen their amazing talents on TV or Youtube without really finding out what a commitment they are making. I once read that if you like thunderstorms then you'll like having a parrot ... that seems like a good comparison to me.
My BFA was a "head in the eye socket" bird. (Rescue)

My Red Lored puts her head upside down, and uses my cheek for a pillow. (Rescue)

My Nape was as mellow a bird as you will ever find. You could do anything to that bird... (Rehome)

My 40 year old wild caught lilac crown doesn't have an aggressive bone in her whole body, and is content to sit on a shoulder, make kissing noises, and do the happy head bob thing... (Rescue)

My "problem bird" hormonal DYH just needed a little TLC. Two days later, no biting. (Rescue)

I could go on, and on, and on, and on.

Don't handle them enough, they bite.

Get them worked into a state. They bite.
I own two Blue Fronts and wouldn't trade them for the world. They are naughty, fiesty, and can be down right mean when they want, but at the same time they are sweet and loveable and funny. Parker my 1.5 yr old male is the first bird I have owned, I have had many successes and many failures with him, I knew going into this that it wasn't gonna be all peaches and cream. Forums like this make all the difference though. there are always friends on here willing to lend so helpful advice and steer you in the right direction. Birds aren't easy no one said they would be but you get out what you put in.
i have no personal zon experience, but they are a dream bird of mine, even though i know they can be moody and aggressive... but i've been told how loyal, affectionate, and sweet they can be. i've heard them described as cat-like in personality... where they're loyal companions but very independent for the most part with affection... things are on their terms. i hear that while yes, they are aggressive and moody, they are easy to read with their body language and can be downright awesome birds if given the chance and understanding. any bird can have its flaws. not just zons. i think it just depends on what someone is willing to come to terms with. all birds are individuals and theyre going to do what comes naturally to them. zons can be loud, aggressive, and difficult birds, but so can just about any other species. i think they are just misunderstood and can be among the best companions for anyone, if given the chance.

i know, myself personally, i will be weighing the decision over the next 20-30 years before i commit myself to getting a zon. in other words, after my current flock and i can really think about the decision and do as much research as possible. but i've been around a few zons and i definitely feel a strong connection with them myself. they're a bird i seem to be able to read easily. i've heard the bad and the ugly about them, but i've also heard the good things about them and though they might be challenging, i think any bird has its own challenges.
My Bosley is a cuddle bug for me, he sleeps with his head resting on mine sometimes, he sits on my lap every night for a scritch and preen session. He gives me kisses and follows me around the house. I can do no wrong. True he won't let anyone else handle him YET(we're working on that) I wouldn't give up for the world and joke that I will be the old lady with a cane that will be screaming I ain't going anywhere without my Bosley!!

I joined this forum just before I got him, learned as much as I could and assumed he would be the biggest a$$ in the world. The attitude served me well, I understood what I got and found ways to work with it.

It's about education and commitment. I didn't expect Bosley to be cuddly or talkative, I just wanted to give him a good home. The bond is amazing!
My CAG is much more "handle me on my own terms" than any of my amazons...
My baby Flora is the cuddliest bird I have ever came into contact with. She is a 6 month old Panama Zon, but I have fostered many Zons in the past. You must simply know how to deal with them. In my experience there are far less Amazons in rescues than Cockatoos and Greys, but that may be in my state alone.

think a lot including myself dont do enough research before getting one. Wish i came on here before i got one coz id of never bought one and now jaspers been passed on again which i dont like just hope he's found a good home.

I myself, take strong offense to you blaming the species, when you admit you didn't do your research in the first place. Yes there are many threads here about aggression, but perhaps those people did not do their research either. OR perhaps they adopted rescue birds that they were not experienced enough to handle.
That post was not meant to offend anyone dealing with aggressive Amazons, but this guy passed his off to another home, when he admittedly did not research the species. Poor Jasper ! You can't blame the species, just the human, in this instance. The more these birds are passed around, the more emotional and behavioral issues they have to overcome ! That is the reason birds wind up in rescues !

Stepping off my soap box now.....
I think you were correct with your post. People need to be educated before getting one. It is no different than learning about children. Do as much reading beforehand so you know what to expect!
I can say that from the minute I walked into Merlee's home to meet her new Zon months ago, That he is the sweetest, cuddliest boy ! I joked that he was my new boyfriend, he stepped right up to me and when I placed him on his playstand he flew right back to me for more attention. I haven't met a Zon that I couldn't charm into loving me !
Yeah and I was so jealous too. He loves me too cuz he puts out that scent whenever I pick him up or have a conversation.

As in any relationship, you get out whatever you put in. You have to earn trust from your bird. Ignorant parrot owners are the cause of over crowded bird rescues and sanctuaries. I did my research before getting a macaw but it is an never ending learning experience owning a parrot.
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