Amigo bit through a falconer's glove...

Mare Miller

May 14, 2011
sierra foothills of central California
13yr. old male umbrella cockatoo,
we call him Amigo!

7yr. old Goffin cockatoo, she IS Sassy!!
My husband had ordered some falconer's gloves because he knows that he will be Amigo's caretaker when I leave for a few days to a week to help out my dad. I went to the city today with my daughter, Amigo is outside cruising around.

Amigo wants in before I get home, husband puts on his gloves to bring him in. Need to let you know that I've been wearing these gloves around Amigo, handling him for weeks, he's not afraid of them.

I was so bummed to hear and see these three bites on my hubby's hand, from Amigo biting through the gloves. My husband, Tim is his name, is a gem. He was very philosophical about the whole thing. He says he responded by not pulling back, just biting the bullet till Amigo let go, then cussing under his breath for a minute. Tim seems to understand this male bird and knows he is not needed or wanted by Amigo in his territory. I'm hoping Roxy is right that Amigo will take to my husband once I'm gone.

In the mean time, I'm recommending double folded towels over the falconer's gloves, for my husband. Ughh...
Your husband needs to be more involved with Amigo. Cockatoos are notorious for being "one person birds". But, with patience and persistence, they can tolerate other people. One thing you could try is to hand Amigo to your husband to show Amigo that your husband is an accepted member of your flock. I've used this tactic with several birds to get them to accept my wife. And Roxy is probably right that when you are not there, Amigo will accept Tim easier. Roxy IS usually right! It was good that Tim didn't show emotions or defeat. Amigo would pick up on that and think he's beating a foe. Good work, Tim!
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Thanks Bill, we will try the hand-off tomorrow, with double folded towels over the falconer's gloves. I'm afraid we may also need a fencing mask! To be honest, Amigo had been amicable with Tim before he left on this last trip away from home. I'm thinking hormones are playing a big part in this scenario. But I'm like, DANG it!! Come on Amigo, let's get a grip!!
What does Amigo do when he wants to come in the house ?
Just curious :)
Doesn't he knock on the window? I think I remember reading that.

Wow, if he bit through those, I'm not sure what might help. Motorcycle gloves are made with armor over the knuckles and finger joints, but the rest of the glove isn't so protected, and the palms have to allow feel of controls. I can post you a picture of some if you like, and think they might help. Good ones will protect in a high speed off from a bike in racing conditions.

I do think when you are gone, Amigo will be nicer to Tim when you, the object of his love, isn't there. Tim definitely sounds like a keeper. My last ex was all upset all the time just because my BCC would lunge at him when he walked past. She never even bit him. She would be beak grooming and he'd say, "Look! She's sharpening her beak to get me!"
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We have a flower box just below the kitchen window, above the sink and when Amigo wants in, he'll be in the flower box tapping on this window. If he can't get anyone's attention that way he will fly around to the window slider in the living room. If you still don't see him, you will eventually hear him, either crunching the wood trim around the windows or he'll start calling, yelling and then barking for you to come get him. Needless to say, we try to catch him at the kitchen window!

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