An Addendum to the Forum Rules


Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Relatively recently (perhaps the past year or two) we've implemented the practice of removing any photos from this site showing birds in close proximity to prey animals. Simply put, we do this out of awareness of the potential for tragedy anytime predator and prey animals are allowed to mingle. Stories abound of birds and family dogs or cats who seemingly got along for years, only to suddenly have a momentary lapse wherein their instinctive natures come to fore. These stories rarely end well for the birds involved.

So we decided to do our part by not promoting such mingling via the posting of cute predator/prey pics on this site. And now we've taken it a step further and made it official by adding a 14th rule to our Forum Rules: Parrot Forum Rules - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community

For the sake of our existing members, here is rule #14:

14. Posting Photos of Birds with Other Animals:

Pictures of predator animals together with pet birds are not allowed on this site and will be promptly removed if posted.

While we do recognize that many of our members (and some of our mods) live in households with more than one type of animal, some who visit our site may only see the cute aspects of a bird cuddled up with a dog, cat, rat, snake, ferret etc, without realizing the inherent danger involved with such a pairing... or the deliberate precautions necessary to prevent tragedy. We at Parrot Forums have always put the safety of the bird first, and as such have chosen to make a ban on predator/prey pet pictures official forum policy.

This rule generally pertains to pets, as opposed to pictures taken in the wild of scenarios naturally occurring in nature; but we still reserve the right to remove any such non-domestic photos as well if deemed disturbing to our members or potentially harmful to the birds of this community.
I support this....

You have no idea how many times I've seen youtube birb memes videos with a bird next to or screwing with a cat or dog or whatever and cringed.....and I'm definitely not a snowflake!!!!

this include links to stupid stuff like those type videos or just pics posted? Sometimes you want to post something like NEVER EVER DO THIS "html link"
I think more it's to the it one of our members doing this or some idiot out in the world doing this........

That would be the difference to me.
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...this include links to stupid stuff like those type videos or just pics posted? Sometimes you want to post something like NEVER EVER DO THIS "html link"

I'm glad you mention this. Situations like that we'd handle on a case by case basis, but the "teaching moment" value of such a link would have to be astronomically high for something to remain in spite of our stated rule.
Just to be clear...(and a bump so our members notice) a video such as below is not only ok but totally awesome?!?

[ame=""]Bird Escapes Explosion - YouTube[/ame]

Because it's not as you describe.

also that is one awesome budgie.
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Hahahahaha! Hilarity! yes, I do think that one might qualify as a teaching moment that could stay.
Oh, I am so glad to see this!
There are so many scary possibilities out there, and for me, it was that very scenario of a casual passerby who might see that cute bird-cat-dog-whatever cuddle, and see that as an "okay".
YAY, SuperModeratos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we Hoomans exempted from Rule #14?
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Lol! As with links and such, "hoomans" would also be judged on a case by case basis.
Not having ever read the rules myself (oops!) I’m presuming there’s one about not hassling forum members to “buy YouTube likes” or “buy LinkedIn connections” as they pop up fairly regularly (and the moderators appear to act quickly when they do!)
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Correct. Any solicitation for the purposes of advertising or funneling traffic to another site is prohibited on Parrot Forums. One might post a link on a related matter in a thread for informational purposes, so long as said link wasn't to a competing website or forum, but repeated posting of that link would be seen as advertising or traffic funneling and treated accordingly.

Here is a link to the forum rules:
Thanx Anansi I thought that’d be the case. Sometimes I spot stuff that pops up in our Southern Hemisphere time zones that i wonder if I should PM one of you about but they seem to get shut down PDQ:)
If you wish to report a Post for the Mod's to review /act upon. You can use the tool in the upper right hand corner of that Post. It appears as a Box outlined in Red with a ! located in the center. When you selected that Tool it will send a copy of that Post and highlight that you are reporting it to the Mod Team.

Your help in spotting Spammers, etc... allows us to be more effective with an end result of a safer more comfortable Parrot Forums.

For those who have Thank You!
Thanx Anansi I thought that’d be the case. Sometimes I spot stuff that pops up in our Southern Hemisphere time zones that i wonder if I should PM one of you about but they seem to get shut down PDQ:)

Don't worry! I'm right there with ya (even though I'm 1 degree north of the equator) - just clicking those little report icons whenever something off pops up ;)
Our mods are A+, stellar. Not a fan of media thoughtlessly promoting the normalcy of birds in close-range of p̶r̶e̶y̶ predator (that's what was meant, right?) animals. I would not group a chicken against a fox, regardless of the latter's training or hunger satiation, nor would I promulgate the idea that it is "fine" because of whatever x,y,z exceptional circumstances (they're trained! they grew up together! we're always watching them anyway!) Nope, I think those pictures are stupid and don't hesitate to say so every time I get shown's sunk into SO's outlook too, at this point, thankfully (she's often sharing cute bird pics with her buddies, who in kind returned when they'd stumble across something novel - especially these kinds of juxtapositions).

Cats kill birds. Because they can. Not just whether they're hungry, sometimes just cause they're bored - and they want to. They have their ecological niche (as do all natural predators), but it is the height of irresponsibility to ever knowingly allow that kind of interfacing. Wish every platform would adopt this stance an d stop hosting that nonsense.
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bumping for the weekday vs weekend crowd.....because I support this policy....
Love this. Thank you mods!!!

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My sister's boss has a corella (which is, to my frustration, a LOT tamer than my Rosetta is). This bird is encouraged to 'get sassy' and 'tussle' with their fully-grown tabby cat!!! The woman continually posts photos of the pair wrestling on facebook!!!

I have repeatedly (and diplomatically) posted that it might not be a good idea. What if the cat just *once* has its claws out? Or bites? Or does that thing where cats lash out with their hindlegs, claws deployed, and virtually disembowel whatever it is they're hanging on to? It's making me sick just thinking about it!

My main worry in all of these pairings is that parrots bite, even when they don't mean to. Rosetta will climb up my body, merrily pulling her 550gm frame up by beakfuls of my flesh. It hurts! But I don't mind, since I know she's not attacking me. What if the nice, sweet, tame birdie lands just *once* on the predator animal and beaks it by way of hanging on? How many cats or dogs have the patience to withstand a sudden, unintentioned parrot-bite and not retaliate?

It only takes *one* bite and the bird is dead. *One* scratch and bird is infected and may die. *One* drop of cat/dog saliva into an open wound and desperate illness follows.

People are ignorant and think that because it's always been OK it will continue to be OK.

Of course, people are always entitled to do whatever it is they want with their own animals. Doesn't mean our forums have to promote that. I'm proud of our rules and I love that we're all on the same page with this one! :)

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