And the panic sets in... (long)


New member
Jul 7, 2007
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Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Pepper (Lovebird)
Taking a deep breath while I type this, Pepper burrowed very firmly in my hair and not budging for anything. It's been a long day for both of us.

He got a little miffed with me this morning when I was "evil" and rubbed some mashed banana on his tiny bit of a millet spray that he is so addicted to (much to my dismay). Went for a nice long pout in his cage after that. I grinned the whole time because at least I know he tasted it this time. That was the good point.

From there I noticed that he does not glide at all when he tries to fly. So I looked closer at his "clipped" wings (haven't wanted to push it yet while him being new) and noticed all his flight feathers have been clipped off. Little bit of panic and playing "what if" What if he falls really far, hits the floor too hard, crashes into something... *deep breath* How long till his feathers will grow back in?

The search for pellet food continued today, to a local pet store where I was told that there was no such thing as pellets for parrots of any kind... *deep breath again* Here is where I made a mistake though... I have had him with me a lot when I go places. He seems to love shopping peeking out of my hair chirping quietly at people as they walk past. The @%#! in the pet store said "Let me see this bird." I should have walked out then.. instead I moved my hair and she reached for him... he spooked and jumped... and headed for the lily pad in the open fish pond. I came to two very rapid conclusions. 1) I was never stepping foot in this store again and 2) Pepper is getting a harness. He spent a few minutes using my hair as a towel, cuddled lots once we got home but is none the worse for his "bath". I feel like an idiot, I should have seen this coming, things will spook him. I can control what I do, not what other people and things do around him. *sigh* It was a stupid risk to take.

This though is what started the real panic and ensuing slew of questions, so here goes.

Tomorrow I order pellets for him, any brand recommendations or places online that anyone can recommend for ordering pellets? I looked at a few online today but I am unsure exactly what I am looking for. I am used to feeding robins and starlings which all got "homemade food" (and comments like "Hey Kate, what's for dinner? Can I come over?... no not for you, the birds, they eat better than any person I know of!").

As for the harness. I do want to take him with me most of the time, I am a single mother and work from home he can be with me most of the day anyway, trips to the store included, but I am not risking his safety to do it. I have looked at "flight suits" and the harnesses on Does anyone have experience with either of these for a bird this small?

I am also planning a "travel cage" for longer trips like to the vet or further than the corner store. Any recommendations for a good size?

As for the vet, I have failed to locate an avian vet closer than 2 hours away (have a few more calls to make tomorrow) The vet I consulted with for the orphaned wild birds being rehabilitated for release is not confident enough is his abilities with birds (Kudos to him for admitting it!) to do more than a general check or set a dislocated joint. I have however located a vet that "also treats birds". I am willing to give it a shot as I would prefer someone close "just in case". So I am compiling a list of questions. Anything I really need to ask them?

There has also been a question raised by my mother in her attempt to help me through my panic (she knew it was coming). The Canadian veterinary association recommends a cage of 2x2x3 feet (12 cubic feet) for a single lovebird. I would love to give him more room than that, at present that is not what he has though. His current cage is 17.5 inches x 13.5 inches x 19.5 inches. Is this really that much too small? He uses it for eating, sleeping and a few hours of "down time" (he naps and plays, I get the down time) through-out the day. The rest of the time he is with me or playing on the couch or climbing the drapes. He appears to have tons of room, but the doubt has been planted...

I think that is all the questions I have for now, more later I am sure. On a more positive note, he almost played WITH me for the first time today. I was playing with a handful of plastic buttons and he scuttled down my arm and nipped at one of them before running back up to hide under my hair. I was actually giddy! Though I managed not to squeal and bounce for worry of startling him, he did get lots of praise and a snuggle though!

Sorry this is so long and there are so many questions. I'm new to this, and until I know as much as it is possible to know without having experienced things directly I won't be able to rest :( it's a blessing and a curse I suppose. Thanks for baring with me, I will settle down soon I promise.
First of all, we ahve ALL been where you are now. We may seem to know allot but it has been learned through asking questions and reading allot of things all over the place. You are doing very fine :)

ok ... fight feathers ... i had clipped my lovebirds flight feathers while moving residences (for safety sake) in mid-December. Only this past week or so have I NOTICED my one lovebird can actually fly - and he does lol. I only let them out while my door and window are securely closed (something heavy infront of the door to keep it closed) and they play and fly around like that. not as much as I'd like them to be out, but for now they get out when they can. They don't need all their flight feathers in to fly either ... Pix only has about 2 or 3 in on each wing right now and he flies like he has a jet pack strapped to him. Serenity just stays close to her babies right now, and she has not really ever taken to really flying to be honest. She likes to flap a bit to get from A to B, but not to get any real air.

Pellets: I use Harrison's Fine; I find they do well on that and seem to like it quite well. I also give them whatever fresh things they will eat. They love greens and grapes (washed). You can find any of the pellets by a quick google search ... thats how I find the places. Also, there is a place in Oregon that grows and sells organic seeds and stuff like that (for birds and people), all human grade, and they ship here. If you need to get him switched over to pellets via seeds, then that might be a good option. Again, I found them via

If he is out of his cage most of the time then his cage is probably fine. The guidelines are for people who never let their birds out of their cage I think, but go by your gut. IF he's not in there much, then how can it be too small for him ... I mean how much room does he need to sleep right? If he looks like he hates it then look at changing it ... but he is probably fine seeing as hes never in it much.

Your doing a great job!
Do ya know, it doesn't matter how long, or how experienced bird people are (or any other animal owning person) we all make mistakes. I wonder how many of us can honestly say that we've never made mistakes with our fids, I know I have and lots of them, the thing I have learned from these mistakes is, not to make them again. Don't beat yourself up over this, You have learned a valuable lesson, and one I don't think you'll make again. :D

The harness I use is the Aviator harness, I got it from here.
It is wonderful, I have no experience with the ones you mention but have known people who have gone with fredbird and have been very happy with them.

The vets, the first question I think I would ask, is what is their qualification in regards to birds, really grill them over this, it really is very important. Most of them won't mind this but you need to be 100% sure that they are able to take proper care of your fids, before you trust any vet with them.

Sorry this is so long and there are so many questions. I'm new to this, and until I know as much as it is possible to know without having experienced things directly I won't be able to rest :( it's a blessing and a curse I suppose. Thanks for baring with me, I will settle down soon I promise.

You ask all the questions you need to, there is so much to learn, and by asking quesitons you are able to get so many different ways of doing things and you know what none of them are wrong, if it works for your bird then thats the way to go.

Well done you for finding out as much as you can. Long or short posts it doesn't matter here, we are happy to help out where we can. :D
Genlisae, I follow in the footsteps of indigo and Peta with my comments.

Your post is just fine; no worry about it, eh?? ;) :D

I've tried to do a search, unsuccessfully, to find the parrot pet carrier that I use for Mojo (called a Pet Pocket for Birds); it is like a backpack that you wear in front of you instead. Made of black see through mesh. I haven't been brave enough yet to try a harness--though it is on my list of things to learn how to do.

I've posted earlier that I know little about feathers/plummage (don't know why it is such a difficult concept for me to grasp :rolleyes: ), but when we got Cecil, she had a severe clip and it took her a long time to grow in. She was not an avid flier (or, I mean, making attempts). Mojo developed acute kidney disease and it was very evident in his ravaged plummage and discoloration. He would take flight at unexpected times and fall constantly. I was given the suggestion to play with him over a bed mattress--providing him a safe landing since his wings were not working properly at the time.

I use Harrison's fine for all three of my parrots. It's a little small for Mojo, but he actually eats more of it than he does the "course" grind. Even my Parrotlet eats the fine (I just found out that they have Super Fine available; I didn't know that until a few days past).

My best to you as you journey to find an appropriate, knowledgeable avian vet. We have only one in the Valley and I have access to his home number as he knows I'll not allow anyone else to treat my birdies. (I'm stubborn in that way :04: ).
Genlisae, here is a link to something "similar" to a Pet Pocket:

(HOWEVER, it is very, very expensive and looks like it is a lot nicer, well-built than mine). I can't remember but I think I only paid about $35-40 for mine. But, this gives you an idea of what I am talking about.

Mine is black mesh in front, both sides and top (it does not have the protective flap in front). I carry it on my chest (not back). Again, this is a very, very expensive version of what I am talking about. I've just not had any luck in my search to find the one I purchased.
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ok IMO
Avatar like Peta said is the only harness I would reccomend I can't wait to buy one.

Zupreem fruit blend are my favorite pellets - this is just personally what I like, what's readily avalible, and what my birds love cuz they were reaised on it.

I think the cage you had is fine for the little time he is in it the only time I could se you wnating a larger one is if you ever have to go out of town and leave him. However bigger is always better but I"m not going to tell you what size you should get as I know my babies cages are'nt ideal and can't wait to have a place of my own where they can have more room the teils arrangements are ok allthough I would love to see them in a larger cage, but SIdney is in a 16X22 - he is out tons through out the day and when I go out of town I pull out the 20 X20X48 for him.

YOu are doing great to locate a vet before your bird gets sick or you have an emergency way to go! for what it's worth I have to drive and hour and a half to my avain vet there are a few closer but this guy used to be a zoo vet and knows his stuff and is very honest where pricing is concerned.

Never be afraid to ask questions that is what we're here for - congrats on your new baby and don't beat your self up just learn from your mistakes
i know i've made plenty of them with my FIDS we are are always learning together.
Thanks for all the great advice. It really helped!

I went looking for a travel cage for him today, to a town about an hour away. Found this wonderful pet shop. Helpful friendly staff, Avian Specialists, Immaculate cages, and oh wow the selection of parrot pellets. Since I had noticed Pepper seems to have a preference for only small seeds I thought I would try ZuPreem's Parakeet nuggets. The Lovebird size just looked huge for what I know he eats. Little changes seem best and something a similar size to what he's used to made sense, similar colour as well. I don't know if he has actually eaten any yet, but when I put them in on top his afternoon seed he didn't even hesitate to go and pick them up to move them around.. small victories *nod*

On the way home we stopped at the farmers market and as per usual (no open ponds here!) he was on my shoulder for this stop. Very well behaved, didn't try to move once, though he did show an interest in the raspberries that were just being brought in from the field. Are there any berries that he shouldn't eat? The staff there is anxiously awaiting when he does start eating fruits and vegetables so they can spoil him rotten while we are shopping, and I know for certain all of their products are fresh and organic, the fields they are grown in are right across the street.

I have an appointment with a veterinarian for him tomorrow, the same one that "also treats birds" It turns out that she comes highly recommended by other vets in the area. So fingers crossed there.

I also learned today that when going shopping for toy making supplies for a bird a 6 year old little girl can be a blessing and a curse! She found so many things and had so many ideas that I never would have thought of just looking at the bits and pieces. At present there are plans for a natural wood play stand complete with a series of rope bridges and cargo nets for him to climb around on and all sorts of chewable little bits and shiny things to play with and pull at and roll around, if I prove to have that much dexterity that is. She even convinced me to buy natural wood bits and dye them ourselves so that they can be any colour we want them to be. I seem to remember though that somewhere along the way in the flurry of activity I promised her her own bird... just as soon as she stops complaining about having to clean her cats litter box. I have a while on that one I think.. though the temporary insanity of agreeing in the first place worries me a bit.

No harness yet, still looking around, but the travel cage is such a relief to have. I can take him with me to places that may not be completely safe and not spend the whole time I am gone worrying that he got out of his cage and became cat food (the cats have never shown an interest in a bird before.. but there is a first time for everything) or fell into something or all of the other "what ifs" I drive myself insane with.

Thanks again for all the help and advice and encouragement. I am slowly getting this together I think... very slowly :)
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Genlisae, I had to stop to catch my breath while reading your post!!! You've gotten so much accomplished in one day it tired me out reading about it! LOL :D

As far as pellet size, Mojo is on a smaller size than would probably be proper; but he eats (intakes) it very well and I am satisfied with that. He is the least pickiest eater of my lot. So, I think you are just fine with what you have chosen ... :)

IF ONLY I had a child to help me make toys and playstands!!! What a grand idea ... I am boring, uninventive and lack creation. That is wonderful that you had a little helper on hand!!

Enjoy yourself and Cookie immensely. It sounds like the bonding process is more than well underway! :07:
Birdcrazy, thanks for the suggestions. Those look so fun!

Deanna, it was a busy day! Didn't mean for it to be that obvious though! lol Thanks for the reassurance about the pellets. So far aside from moving them out of the way he has nipped at a few and cracked a couple more but no eating yet *sigh* Patience... I am not always so good at patience.

As for my daughter's help, she can be a bit over enthusiastic at times... I now have about 80 little wood bits and spools in a rainbow of colours which is good.. the rainbow effect of the food colouring she used to do it in her hair and on every not covered piece of skin, I don't know about that! lol It will wash out eventually I guess.

Thanks again! Everyone here is so helpful and understanding.
... *sigh* Patience... I am not always so good at patience.


You are in good company, Genlisae! Neither am I of the patient ilk! *big sigh* ... *giggle* ;)
Have to admit, I don't have patience at all really, in fact I'm super impatient. :o

Getting late here now so I'm off to my bed, See ya all tomorrow. Good night. :D

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