Anna the Cockatoo

He is gorgeous! From the way everybody talked I expected a plucked and unhealthy looking bird, but he is perfect. I am so glad the two of you found one another. He is one lucky bird.
Good job!! Us old guys gotta show these younguns lest they ferget. Pics Pics Pics of Anna !
He is a really nice looking boy....
When I adopted my Goffin, she had been in a smoke filled house for four years; everyone that lived there was a chain smoker from what I was told. She smelled terrible and her feathers, those that she still had, were a dirty, beige colour. She screamed all the time, every time something or someone moved and it was not a good time....
We tried to have a lot of patience, fed her a healthy diet, supplemented her with some calcium and gave her love and time. We also put her in a more quiet (and less active) part of the house and she started to settle down. It took a while, but now we are three years later and she is great. She lets us know when she is unhappy and calls sometimes (strictly normal cockatoo chatter), but for the most part she is pretty quiet and happy. She was just at the vet for a full check up and passed with flying colours. At this point, one of her air sacs is a little compromised (vet expected this a little) , but the vet is happy that she is doing so well.
There is definitely a happy ending for a former cockatoo nicotine
Patience, love and a healthy diet did the trick for us :)
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He is a really nice looking boy....
When I adopted my Goffin, she had been in a smoke filled house for four years; everyone that lived there was a chain smoker from what I was told. She smelled terrible and her feathers, those that she still had, were a dirty, beige colour. She screamed all the time, every time something or someone moved and it was not a good time....
We tried to have a lot of patience, fed her a healthy diet, supplemented her with some calcium and gave her love and time. We also put her in a more quiet (and less active) part of the house and she started to settle down. It took a while, but now we are three years later and she is great. She lets us know when she is unhappy and calls sometimes (strictly normal cockatoo chatter), but for the most part she is pretty quiet and happy. She was just at the vet for a full check up and passed with flying colours. At this point, one of her air sacs is a little compromised (vet expected this a little) , but the vet is happy that she is doing so well.
There is definitely a happy ending for a former cockatoo nicotine
Patience, love and a healthy diet did the trick for us :)

I'm very glad to hear that everything worked out for you and your 2. It gives me hope for the future.

Anakin is calming down and eating better every day. We still have a ways to go to get to a decent diet. He apparently is a saltoholic. For treats they gave him regular saltine crackers with regular peanut butter. I cook my pasta,legumes and grains without salt, he won't touch it. Cutting the excessive salt from his diet is going to be difficult(I know, I'm a reformed saltoholic). Any advice as to short cuts on that battle will certainly be appreciated.
I haven't seen any signs of nicotine withdrawal for a couple of weeks. Daily lukewarm showers for a week got the smell and most of the brown tint off his feathers.
And what I consider the best news! I think my family has finally accepted the fact that Anakin stays and is not a foster fid. They have started to interact with him more which of course he loves.
maybe slowly decrease the amount of salt put in until theres non left?
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This story just gets better all the time!
Anakin's a star.
So are you, Major TOM. :)
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maybe slowly decrease the amount of salt put in until theres non left?

I appreciate your response.

That's what I've been doing. He's not losing weight as I weigh him everyday and all I see is normal fluctuations.

He won't even eat unsalted nuts. I refuse to give him salted ones.
Hey KP good to see you dropping by, I know everybody in our household is hoping for a happy ending for yours.
I love watching Anakin's progress as he becomes more and more a member of your household. And I agree with Owlet. Gradual weaning off the salt is best. And no, I wouldn't give him salted nuts either.
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I love watching Anakin's progress as he becomes more and more a member of your household. And I agree with Owlet. Gradual weaning off the salt is best. And no, I wouldn't give him salted nuts either.

Thank You. You are one of a short list that I really respect your opinion.
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Thank you so much. We appreciate and value your input.(we=me and the gang)
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I can't really help with much as I'm still very new to all of this but I'm glad I can be of at least a little help ;v;
I love watching Anakin's progress as he becomes more and more a member of your household. And I agree with Owlet. Gradual weaning off the salt is best. And no, I wouldn't give him salted nuts either.

Thank You. You are one of a short list that I really respect your opinion.

Thank you. The respect definitely flows both ways.
I'm just so happy for you and for Anakin that this is working-out! It's a rare occasion when a situation such as his results in such a healthy, happy resolution for all involved. Poor guy deserves to finally find his forever-home with such a good, loving person!

No, I wouldn't feed him salted nuts either, that's not going to help the situation...I agree, if you keep slowly filtering the salt out of his diet, eventually he won't even realize that he's not getting it anymore.

Boy, since coming to you Anakin has kicked his nicotine habit, has almost kicked his salt addiction, and now he even smells good! Talk about doing a 180!!! (imagine me typing this outside, in my garage, while smoking a cigarette in shame :( )

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