Anne's here!


New member
Mar 1, 2014
The Netherlands
Otto - Senegal Parrot born in 2006
Weekamp - Senegal Parrot born in 2007
Joris - Congo African Grey born in 2008
Suzy - Blue fronted Amazon born in 2009 or in 2006
Kwiebuz - Caique born in 2013
Hello everybody!
I am Anne. I come from the Netherlands (and still live there). I think my English is rather good, so I hope I can learn a lot here and talk al lot. If there is something that isn't clear, please ask, because maybe the language issue is a problem sometimes.

I have off course parrots. I have an amazon names Suzy, an African Grey names Joris a baby ciaque (got that one last summer) names Kwiebus ans two Senagal Parrots names Otto and Weekamp. They are all very sweet and funny and happy. I've got some questions about Suzy, but I will do that in another topic.

I choose to be on this forum, because there aren't much active forums in Dutch. And also because I allready saw that you know a lot of diffrent things that aren't told on the Dutch forums. And because you are all so enthousiastic and positive and I really love that.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

I am really looking forward to be here and learn a lot and share a lot about our beautiful parrots.
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  • #7
Thank you all!
I will post some pictures later.
Welcome! You have quite an impressive flock. Looking forward to seeing some pics :)
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  • #10
Thank you all.

Is there a special place where I van put my photos?
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  • #12
I wanted to post from photobucket too, but photobucket isn't nice to me right now :p
I can't log in. Maybe my internet is to slow or so.
I will read the topic about plating photo's and try again.
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  • #14
Thank you.
I just made an album where I introduce my parrots. Hope it worked and you all can see them.
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  • #16
Thank you!
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I think so too. I have a very positive feeling after my first day here today.

Are my photos visible for everybody? I don't know if I did it right...
I don't see any photos! Did you use the 'upload photo' button?

Years ago I was on a Dutch and English language parrot forum which is no longer there (she only runs a website now without the forum). She had an exclusively Dutch part, and one for English speakers around the world.
I'm surprised there is a lack of Dutch bird forums. I was under the impression The Netherlands were very into aviculture. There is at least one other Dutch member here who I see on here regularly.
I can see the photos in your album in your profile section, so they did upload ok.

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