Any idea??..


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
[ame=""]Amy being? - YouTube[/ame]

What Amy is up to? I say she is attempting to swoon on the Beebs.. She constantly makes a B-line to his house and does this. I'm always running interference trying to stop her! :mad:

She's like me... a COUGAR... except she's a he. And I don't spit up.

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He has never 'gurged when doing this...just the bob bob bob thing..
It's the same thing, they don't always gurge, or sometime they just hold a tiny bit in the mouth and swollow. Or they do this till the love interest accepts the gurge lol. I get to see this lots, I'm the love interest around here, getting good at ducking and doging and the redirect.
looks like regurgitation to me.
they don't always bring up food when they do this, sometimes it's just going through the motions/
So much flirting... it is kind of cute (when you are not having to intervene).
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that's definitely regurging movement. Maybe trying to swoon BB or could Amy possibly think that BB is his baby? No sure if that ever happens, birds deciding the newbie is their adopted child
Having experienced an 'amorous' male BFA myself, I don't know that I quite believe this is mating behavior. I almost interpret this behavior as some kind of misdirected paternal instinct. It may be triggered by hormones (seems a bit early but maybe) but I don't think Amy is misinterpreting BB as a potential mate, rather a potential chick. Either way, looking at the size difference there, I certainly wouldn't let the 2 of them together when 'she' is in these 'moods'!
Oh...that is even cuter!

I have one amourous grey guy that insists on trying to feed me, and a hormonal grey female thats insist I feed her ... my life would be a lot easier if they just entertained each other that way ;)
Oh yeah, Amy looks exactly like Bowie does when he's on my shoulder. Bowie never brings up anything either, but he does the exact same thing with his head and then looks at me, like I'm supposed to do something about it...I'm perfectly fine with not knowing "what" it is that I'm supposed to be doing...
And holy cow is Amy a big bird!!! I just want to pick her up and cuddle her!

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