Any lawyers/copywriters?


Aug 21, 2012
Jack- 5 year old pacific parrotlet
Does anybody here know about copyright law? I am designing items to put on Redbubble, and one of them involves adding design to an Apple emoji. Are the Apple emojis public domain, or does my addition make them my own? There seem to be a lot of emoji designs on Redbubble already, so maybe it's not a big deal. I'm just trying to avoid an Apple lawsuit!;)


New member
Mar 5, 2016
Confetti (9y/o CAG), Ely (5 y/o Citron SC2), Barney (3 y/o MSC2), Baby (21 y/o Senegal), Peaches (16 y/o M2)
Conan (26 y/o Harlequin Macaw)
I'm no lawyer, I have no professional legal experience in any way shape or form. (Unless watching crime drama's count... I watch A LOT of crime dramas ) That said, Unless you are incredibly wealthy already which is unlikely (NOTHING personal, just, it's usually a safe bet that people aren't in the 1%) or your emoji turned in to a huge success cutting in to apples profits, i'm almost positive they couldn't care less even if it *was* copyright infringement.

You might want to stay away from their trademark logo, but otherwise most things "emoji" aren't going to qualify for trademark protection to begin with.

So, again, I'm no expert on the matter, but i'm pretty sure you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I'd imagine absolute worse case scenario, they would make you take it down, but you should be safe.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
If you are going to play in the Big Fish Tank, you ready should have visited their website and then onto their Legal and Partner section, and had beef-up on working with them! Creating or enhancing their products (etc...) will not allow you ownership since their Legal Beagles are paid Big Money to close openings. I am not in a position to tell you the status of emoji. That is likely found on their Site.

Take Care, these Big Fish have very big teeth and they are sharp. And, your CopyRight would be a weak defense.

Free legal advise is worth what you paid for it. Check-out the Legal document websites fill-out the documents!
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