Anybody Have a Toucan?


New member
Mar 8, 2015
EDIT: Woops, I REALLY need to search things before I post new threads!!! Found tons of threads by using the magic search function! I just don't usually think to do it because I'm almost always on my iPhone and everything is so tiny, LOL.

I am putting this in "others" even though toucans are not a kind of parrot at all since I figured it doesn't fit in "non-feathered pets"! I am a sucker for life blogs and have been reading the adventures of the woman who adopted what she calls the "three-cans" at and have found her journey very interesting. I know we have some falconers on here, and I was just wondering if perhaps we have some toucan or toucanet owners as well?
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No toucans for me! They require huge flight aviaries since they don't climb, SHOOT liquid poop and have an all fruit diet (i.e. are notoriously messy eaters, making parrots seem like victorian ladies with their "table manners"). Some species also have saw blade like beaks (serrated).
Some people here do have softbills, and one person in particular has Toucans. She's not on very often so she might not see your post. If you look under our search feature you can find some older threads that have good toucan info.
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Okay cool, thanks! I am definitely not looking to get one--I have neither time, money, nor space for that!--but was just wondering if anybody had one. Such cool looking birds. One if my favorites after the flamingo and the peacock. (I guess I have a soft spot in my heart for birds with body parts out of proportion,lol!)
I don't own one but I have handled a few in the past. Very sweet birds most of them seem to have the disposition of a cockatoo I was thinking of getting one But their all fruit diet sent me towards a macaw.

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