Cheri, I'm a Hawk Head expert! I've had one for 3 days
Mine is amazingly gentile. She will step up for anyone but prefers females. I think I'm the third owner, previous two were women.
Since day one we've been able to pet her, scratch her head, fub her belly and under her wings....and completely cuddle her when she get's tired about 8:30.
I'll have her on my shoulder and she'll be mouthing my ear and hair etc then she'll cuddle up and stick her head in behind my ear. At that point I get her to step up and I'll recline and lay her on my chest with one arm below her and my hand cupping her body (almost crossed armed). Pretty amazing for having her 3 days.
She will get a bit miffed at me from time to time and put up her headdress and hiss, and a couple of times even bit me but it is not a strong bite at all, she's just telling me "enough".
She talks mostly around my wife and my daughters when they visit...I'm hoping she warm's up to me a bit more although except for the talking and visible excitement when she sees a woman, she is great with me.
Here she is meeting one of my granddaughters for the first time today....not shy at all.