April 2024 POTM Contest

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  • #41
JFF here's my little bathing beauty.

Bumble's Bath
Bumble is definitely a bathing beauty!
I absolutely love that thing she's taking a bath in, what is it? My little guys would love that!
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  • #43
This is our little midnight, she decided to take a bath in the perch water! And absolutely loved it!


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  • #49
This is our little midnight, she decided to take a bath in the perch water! And absolutely loved it!
What a beauty Midnight is! She really got herself wet, didn't she?
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  • #50
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  • #54
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  • #55
The contest closes tomorrow night so please get your entries in!
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  • #56
Thank you to all who participated and made this such a fun month!
The contest is closed and you can find the poll here:

April 2024 POTM Poll
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