Are conures parakeets?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
I was googling conures because I wanted to see all the different types and Google came up with one of those suggestion things based on what I searched and... well

Now I'm curious since I've never heard conures referred to as parakeets


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I believe that a parrot which has a long tail is referred to as a parakeet. Although many people just say parrot for most long tailed species as well, which is also correct since parrots and parakeets are all psittacines.
All small parrots with long tails are parakeets :)

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A parakeet is always a parrot, but a parrot is not always a parakeet.
If the species has a long tail it's a parakeet (budgies, conures, even macaws).
From Wiki,
A parakeet is any one of a large number of small to medium-sized species of parrot, in multiple genera, that generally have long tail feathers.


In aviculture, the term "conure" is used for small to medium-sized parakeets of the genera Aratinga, Pyrrhura, and a few other genera of the tribe Arini, which are mainly endemic to South America. As they are not all from one genus, taxonomists tend to avoid the term. Other South American species commonly called parakeets include the genus Brotogeris parakeets, the monk parakeet, and lineolated parakeets, although lineolateds have short tails.
Brotogeris have short tails and yet are included in the parakeet nomenclature. Who makes this stuff up, anywho? I say four legged grazing animals that are white with black stripes are Zebra , but four legged grazing animals that are black with white stripes are Abrez ! Wildlife according to Wrench13 !
Beebs has a long is he a parakeet? :confused: I'm not going to ask him.

Yes how about cockatiels they are small with a long tail.
they are also part of the cockatoo family.
So Cockatiels are Cockatoo parakeets

At almost 20 inches and 250 grams, the Rb is a biggggggggg parakeet. Maybe the biggest?
Or they can be parrots and parakeets simultaneously, for example monk parakeets are also quaker parrots, like Al said, zebras and abrez's.
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So it's like a rectangle is a square but a square isn't a rectangle. So a conure is a parakeet but a parakeet isn't necessarily a conure
Respect, so glad we were able to clear up the confusion!
You can call them whatever you like! But, I would not recommend walking into a gathering of MAC owners and start referring to their MAC's as parakeets! Nor would I walk into a gathering Parakeet owners and start to referring to them as MAC's

They might find it interesting to see how many MAC bills one Human body can be bitten by before there is a change in position regarding calling their MAC's parakeets and vice versa.

Personally, I wouldn't bring it up! But, that's your choice. :D

etc, etc, etc...

Sounds like sloppy use of descriptive terms.

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