Are Ice Cubes OK???


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Gresham, OR
Zilla 29 Y.O. Orange Wing Amazon
Zilla loves to get into my glass of ice water on the end table. I don't think she is actually eating the ice (most of it melts in puddles on my end table), but she does lick each and every cube (seriously EVERY single one gets licked), then will choose one to take out and crush! Then another, and another, until I have no ice left in my water! :eek:

She might be swallowing small pieces, but I've had to cover the end table with plastic place mats and newspaper so the wood doesn't get ruined by water spots, because she seems to be just having too much fun crushing them.

I'm just hoping this is OK for her to do since she loves doing it and I'm wanting her to keep drinking. It's just frozen water right?
Lol if I didn't let my conure lick ice from my water glass there would be a full scale riot in my house. :) just make sure the ice is wet so the birds tongue won't stick to the ice. He also loves ice-cold semi-frozen blueberries. His first drink in the morning better be ice-cold water from the fridge or he won't drink it.
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Lol if I didn't let my conure lick ice from my water glass there would be a full scale riot in my house. :) just make sure the ice is wet so the birds tongue won't stick to the ice. He also loves ice-cold semi-frozen blueberries.

Thanks! I always put the ice in the glass before I add the water and I use a straw so I dunk them all and stir it so the water is really cold, then remove the straw before my glass gets ambushed. I just can't drink warm water even in the cold weather! Now I'm not getting much of my water or ice since some feathered kid had decided it's for her to play in. :D

I thought about trying some berries frozen inside the ice cubes, it would give her some fun and be good for her at the same time.:)
All of my birds, once they discovered it, prefer crushed ice in their drinking water...and...bath patty will actually get upset if you don't freshen her water bowl with ice when you change it.....
Once, just once, I allowed my Beaks to lick my ice-block (popsicle).

Shouldn't have done that.

Ever after, their Main Aim in life is get more of that delicious sweet icy stuff. This is how Madge (being an observant sort of bird) noticed that I got the ice-blocks out of the freezer. One day, as I reached in to withdraw an ice-block for myself, a green flash and beating wings hit me in the face and Madge had darted almost into the freezer, seized an ice-block and decamped with it up to the top of the pantry. In seconds she had bitten through the plastic cover and was luxuriating in her ill-gotten gains. Of course, Barney spied all this and was hasty in his attempts to steal the ice-block from Madgie. In just a few more seconds, the icy-pole had been chomped into pieces and had rained bright blue rain all over my kitchen!

So, yes, birds love frozen treats. Just be careful how you offer them or YOU will pay the price!
O yes! Kiwi is a big fan of ice cubes too! If you put one in his water dish he will sit there pinning and squealing as he licks it (and is surprised it's cold every time):D

I would stick with just ice though. Giving Zilla a taste of ice cream or a popsicle would be....irresponsible. Kind of like offering a grizzly bear a taste of human flesh:54: Once they know frozen treats are sweet and delicious, they will throw a tantrum and a half every time from that point forward until you share:rolleyes:
Flick has one rule about ice - "if I see it, it's mine!"
Add my flock to the list of ice loving birds...

Around here we have small ice cube trays that we fill with juice, and give to them as treats... My CAG especially goes for these. (And it's easy and dirt cheap.)
O yes! Kiwi is a big fan of ice cubes too! If you put one in his water dish he will sit there pinning and squealing as he licks it (and is surprised it's cold every time):D

I would stick with just ice though. Giving Zilla a taste of ice cream or a popsicle would be....irresponsible. Kind of like offering a grizzly bear a taste of human flesh:54: Once they know frozen treats are sweet and delicious, they will throw a tantrum and a half every time from that point forward until you share:rolleyes:

I had a friend who owned a CAG, and owned a Baskin Robins franchise just outside the park I used to go to when my daughter was little. After the park, I would line the birds up on the back of a chair outside, and they would each get a little taster spoon of orange sherbert...

The sight of that QUITE LITERALLY stopped traffic and gathered crowds at his store. (Imagine 8 birds lined up at a table quietly eating ice cream off little spoons.)

Hot summer days were very fun back then... it's the little things in life.

So, mine already know. And they do get the occasional ice pop, or juice bar. Mostly they get frozen juice instead.
While on the topic of ice, it makes a really good cooler during the worst of the summer months. Just fill a lidded plastic container 3/4 with water and freeze it. Wrap it in a towel or piece of cloth (stops skin getting stuck to cold surfaces) and place it in your birds' cage close to where they sit. (Often, birds will want to sit on such a cooler, so it's very important to cover it with something safe.)

You can also float a heap of ice cubes in your birds' water for a cool treat.

Mid afternoon on a hot summer day, place a couple of old towels that have been wet and kept overnight in the freezer on your cages.

I'd appreciate if others have any cooling tips as our hot Australian summer has begun and is shaping up to be a stinker. :22_yikes:
I'd appreciate if others have any cooling tips as our hot Australian summer has begun and is shaping up to be a stinker. :22_yikes:

O, I bet Dominic and those cute beakies of yours would just love extra baths! That is Kiwi's favorite way to cool off- a nice soaked-to-the-bone bath under the hose (on the mister of course!).
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Zilla already throws a tantrum if she sees I have ice water and I don't let her have it! So far she doesn't go for anything else I drink (though I do use different cups for the other things I drink)

I was thinking about getting some of those tiny ice cube trays (I think they are meant for making ice cubes that will fit in a thermos) and making her some juice pops, or ice cubes with a blueberry in the center.

I did try giving her a bowl with ice water in it so I could have mine for myself, but she wanted mine (apparently mine is way better than hers) :eek:

So far she doesn't go for my popsicles while I am eating them, but she does expect to get the stick when I am finished!
So far she doesn't go for my popsicles while I am eating them, but she does expect to get the stick when I am finished!

Well THAT is a bird's God Given Right!
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So far she doesn't go for my popsicles while I am eating them, but she does expect to get the stick when I am finished!

Well THAT is a bird's God Given Right!

I know right!

I would say she makes toothpicks out of them, but what she does to them could never be used for anything! It looks like shavings in the bottom of the cage, or a pile on the end table, or "floaties" in my ice water!

And I apparently don't eat enough popsicles for her stick supply (not sure any one person could), so I have asked my friends and family to save theirs. Imagine the looks and comments I get for asking that! :eek: I think you guys on here are the only ones I know who actually understand.

Reminds me of the looks and questions I get at the grocery store! "Why are you only buying 3 green beans?" or 5 grapes?, 2 sprigs of parsley? And then my answer is "It's not for me it's for my bird" :54:
I used to buy thousand packs of popsicle sticks at the craft store for my conures to use as foot toys.

I gave them to a few of my big birds, but they didn't last for more than a few seconds each. I preferred to use ABC blocks as foot toys for my bigger birds.

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