Attempted Regurgitation? - GCC


New member
Mar 6, 2015
Central New York
Nephele - Baby CAG | Genevieve & Phaedrus - Green Cheeks | Lucy - Lutino Cockatiel | Ludo, Zero & Anzu - Budgerigars
I got Genevieve when she was about three months old, and freshly weaned. After a few days of being with me, she started doing this weird head bobbing motion, which kind of looked like she was trying to mimic the general idea of regurgitation.

I actually caught a short video recently of her doing it.

She's nearing a year old now, and still does it regularly. She often does it when she's hungry, if I've had her away from her food bowls for a while. She eats on her own just fine, she just likes doing this to alert me that she'd like to stop playing/snuggling/nesting in my hair and go eat.

But lately she's been uh... Attempting to regurgitate at my other GCC, Phaedrus. She grabs the top of his beak, near the cere, and just bobs her head up and down rapidly. Her beak is firmly holding the top half of his.
Nothing ever comes up, because she's not regurgitating properly. Phae accepts this like a champ, and will just sit there with his beak in her mouth until she gets bored and walks away.

Is this some weird leftover from weaning as a baby? Should she learn how to do it properly as she gets older? Or is this something else that I'm totally lost about?
Such a cute video! :)

Yes, Genevieve is sure going through the 'gurge' motion, and I wouldn't be too concerned while she's doing it for you.

If I'm not mistaken, she's reaching or reached sexual maturity, so if she's doing this with / for Phaedrus, she may have 'something else' on her mind, too. :54:

I have little doubt that she'll get the complete hang of it, and eventually may surprise you with some ... ahem .... gurgies. :32:
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Thank you for the reassurance! I just wanted to make sure it was in the "normal" spectrum and not something to be concerned about.

I'm pretty sure she sees me as mom and Phae as a potential mate. She still chooses me over him, and I feel bad. She'll kind of chase him away if I get close. She's discovered that she can effectively kick him out of the way. It's so funny to watch but I try not to encourage it. She doesn't show much mating behavior that I've noticed, besides this (kind of pathetic) regurgitation at him.
Sounds like another fickle female...she may be pushing him away now, but when she figures out what she's doing by regurging for him, he may not be as passive ! ! !
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Oh, well Phae is now rubbing his butt on her.
She doesn't get what's going on and is just kind of bumbling about like usual.
Phae is the one I rescued, so I'm unsure of his age. But it's definitely certain that he's sexually mature.

They preen and snuggle with each other often. Phae will also lift up his wing and put it around Gené. I know it's courtship behavior, but it's just so cute!

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