

New member
Jun 5, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
none... yet :-(
Hey Guys!

I'm thinking of building an outdoor aviary! could you tell me what tempatures Budgies can live in? It gets to be around 90 F in the summer and 20 F in the winter. I know I would have to take them inside some part of the year but when?

I would also like to know a little more about what an aviary has. could you help!

Greatly Aprecciated,

20 degrees is -7 degrees celsius.
that's too cold for budgies.
Budgies in Australia can handle the heat ok, but not the cold.
I would not let them outside under 50 of your degrees. (10 degrees celsius).
How would you bring a whole aviary of birds inside for the winter?
i would like to build an aviary for my parrot around a fish pond, is it ok for my birds?
the fish pond is going to be 5 times smaller than the aviary.
thank you
Wow, I havent been here in quite a while.
I now have 2 aviaries and 4 big birds,...3 Galahs and 1 Corella.
Wanna see? ok you talked me into it.

Here is felix aged 3 with my Budgies.

How big can my pix be if I post them here? I dont wanna break any rules?
Sorry, in answer to your question,... depends whats in the pond? cocodiles? Then no.
depends that kind of birds?
Make the pond so they can bathe and not drown and your fine.
finches and budgies are smart enough to work it out.
More info will get you a better answer.

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