Bogie's Mom
Member you all have love Bogie...just about took my pointy finger off yesterday. I'm not a whimp. He's always been pinchy nippy sassy alpha-y....and it is an opportunity for me to learn how to train him into not being this way. But...yesterday...was life changing. I blame me for not knowing the rage of hormones that can happen. So today one thing I'm working on is acquiring a top-of-the-line human food grade list of foods SPECIFIC to Macaw hormone rages and it to help it. Tons of talk is about temperature and consistency. So one owner makes a chop that she dehydrated. Not specifically for hormones...she just does this. So im going to collect an organic list of food to give during the horrormone season. I read chamomile??? So now I'd like to start a thread on collecting a list of all foods to feed that are neutral to or helps hormones in macaws. Im collecting and dehydrating. Im going to try to do organics. Id love to grow from my garden too. So please any and all foods that are neutral to give or helps the hormone season is greatly appreciated. So far....I have greens, peas, corn, green beans, chamomile..... Im looking into herbs too....thank you.