Baby Cockateil and seed


New member
Jan 13, 2015
Weston NSW
I have 6 Cockateils
Chicken Little and Gizmo Digby
Romeo and Juliet and Chickmo
I have a baby Cockateil approx 5-6 weeks old and it is starting to nibble on
Teil question is: Will this hurt it not having pellets just going straight onto Teil seed and also if I wanted to feed it smalller seed could I feed it budgie seed
Bump. I have a baby tiel too, but he's still at the breeder's home until weaned.
I don't know anything about weaning baby birds and when to start them on pellets/seed, but I would think that you could start adding pellets and veggies to his/her diet. I'd just be worried that the bird will become hooked on a seed-only diet if it is not introduced to other foods early on.
Once again, I know nothing about weaning baby birds, so hopefully some members with this sort of experience chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.
I agree that pellets and veggies should be added to the diet. Now is the best time for that and it lays the groundwork for a much healthier bird! Seeds are fine in moderation not as a staple.

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