Baby Crimson Belly comes home next week!


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Goo the blue fronted amazon and Pepper Lou the crimson bellied conure
Her name is Pepper Lou. I have been waiting a long time for her!
I think I am ready! I already have a Blue Fronted Amazon. He is in love with my fiance and tolerates me. :)
Any tips for a new conure mom?
Congrats, she's a very pretty girl!

I don't know that you need to anything particular about conures if you have an amazon though. Mine are kind of similar, although conures are more active (almost hyperactive at times). Conures really, really like their toys and they bathe a lot.
*GASP* she is adorable! i too am getting a baby conure soon, probably a green cheek :). since shes young, use this time to socialize her, let everyone hold her, take her places (wings clipped with a harness), feed her all sorts of healthy stuff so shes not picky later, clicker train her, expose her to a variety of objects, and HAVE FUN! im so excited for you lol, it just must be so much fun to bring your little baby home!
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Thanks a lot!
I am getting her from Pampered Peeps. They are an amazing aviary and they really socialize their babies. They also start them off with flight suits too and I am really excited about that.
I just hope she doesnt bond with the fiance...that is my only fear since my amazon did. I will love her anyway :)

I currently do not feed seed to the Amazon, he gets mash and zupreem natural pellets. The breeder does feed seed and I have heard of seed being given to conures. Any suggestions about what to give?
im planning to feed mine mostly pellets with a portion of fruit and veggies and maybe the occasional unsalted nut, and seeds as a treat. as far as him bonding to you and not your husband to be, spend allot of one on one time with her, play her favorite games, give her her favorite treats, and have your fiance clip her nails and take her to the vet (things she probably wont like, it wont ruin his relationship with her or anything like that, it will just make you the preferred person).
I don't feed seed at all as I've had birds that just plain were addicted to it and wouldn't eat pellets. When you first bring her home though I advise you to feed what she is used to for at least a month before changing her food.
She is so cute! I have a crimson bellied conure, so I can tell you first hand that they are fantastic birds! Feel free to ask if you have any questions. This forum is a great resource!
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Hey Thanks!
It's nice to find another CB owner. You don't really hear about too many people owning them. Everyone I have met with one though says they are so sweet. I can not wait for Pepper to come home. I am pretty nervous.
I got her a really nice bottle brush stand last night. Now I am as prepared as I can be!
Yes, it's always nice to find another CBC owner since they aren't very popular compared to other parrots. I think they will gain in popularity eventually once more people start to learn about them. I've also heard that they can difficult to breed, so that might be why they aren't as readily available.

It's always so hard waiting for the day when you finally get to bring your bird home! Definitely keep us updated on her progress and don't forget to take lots of pictures once she's settled in! :D
Oh she is sooooo cute!!

I don't have much experience with conures, but in regards to your bonding situation with your fiance - I would suggest that only you handle her, feed her, etc. for a little while. This is what we've done since we got our Illiger's macaw, and he already prefers me, though he is still polite and will step up for anyone.

Best of luck to you! I know how excited you must be! :D
My baby CBC will be 3 months old April 10th:) He is soo sweet. Have fun!

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