Baby girl never stops amusing me:)


Mar 6, 2013
Ok so lately everyday I walk out to the bird room transporting my harlequin baby girl she signs opera like sounds lol.. Kinda like la la la la laaaaa... I haven't got a video of it yet but it is halirious. She is starting to do it on command when I say la la.

She is such a happy little girl and just is plan amusing at times she now sits out in the bird room on her java stand singing away. She thinks it is so beautiful, but really it sounds kinda silly.

My other macaws make sounds like do do or La la when they are dancing but never like this I mean it is a drawn out and the pitch fluctuates throughout the verse.

Does anyone else have an opera singing macaw I know micheal cox had a green wing that would sing some sounds kinda like this, but this is very unique. Hopefully I get a video of it:p.
A friend of mine has a DYH Amazon, and was an opera singer. The 'zon learned to sing when my friend would practice scales. And the bird still does the "La-La-La-La-La-La-La". Also a few passages of jumbled opera. It IS hilarious!
My zon sings opera and Harlow [my macaw chimes in] but is not as harmonic.Maybe Baby girl is picking it up from the other birds :)
No, my macaws & my ekkie don't sing yet. They are still young, so maybe they will acquire a taste for the finer things in life as they mature & become sophisticated. LOL

They do love to hear singing & Roscoe loves to dance to music. He's just not into singing yet.
I had a noble macaw that sung opera. It was hilarious. I wish I had video of it because it always made me smile when he did it. Once I found a video of a female Noble macaw singing but she only did the one note. Mihijo use to get really loud and it was very easy to encourage him to keep going. I miss hearing him sing.

Valentino is into laughing and talking during his independent play. I am normally upstairs in my office during his time in the cage for independent play and I hear bells ring and paper rustling (he has a adding machine roll toy I made) and then I will hear him talking and laughing. It is very cute.
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I just can't believe babies verses fluctuate in the sound it is very interesting, She learnt it first and has now taught it to many of my birds lol! She is also learning roll over on command.
You'll get a kick out of this one, NO doubt!

I curse my "boys" for teaching Hunter this SO many years ago. ;)

[ame=""]Hunter singing Jiggly Puff (plus then some) - YouTube[/ame]
Salsa sings a little...

[ame=""]What? What? I guess I'll sing... - YouTube[/ame]

I don't think he'll ever win American Idol, but it's kinda cute ;)
I just can't believe babies verses fluctuate in the sound it is very interesting, She learnt it first and has now taught it to many of my birds lol! She is also learning roll over on command.
I think Baby girl just might be your favorite !! :):p

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