Basil's first day home


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Pickles YCA
Kiwi OWA
Basil YCA
Pudgie & lemon cockatiels
Abbie & Finch zebra finches
8 budgies
Luna & Lucy RES
Here are some pictures from our first day home :) enjoy 😊
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This is my tree no one but basil allowed 😊
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Settling in on her new favourite spot, the kitchen chair
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Helping out with the gardening 😃
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Awww, how precious! You can just see the curiosity all over that sweet face!
What sweet pictures!! :) I think Basil has stolen your heart rather quickly, and I can clearly see why! Beautiful girl!!
I have to upgrade my storage in the iCloud again due to the videos I've taken of Pepper. [emoji16] It's an illness.
congrats on the new baby. So now you have the OWA and 2 YCA ? you're catching up with me, LOL. Kiwi, Pickles and now basil ?
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What a sweet baby Basil is! You must be thrilled to have her home:) And she just has that look of "curious baby" all over her little face. You'll have real fun with her!
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hello everyone :)

Aww thank you for such kind and wonderful responses :)
We are both very thrilled to be home, although Kiwi and Pickles are not to impressed with her, every morning we go to visit and Pickles constantly tries to bite her, Kiwi just retreats into her favourite spot and stakes her claim to it lol. Basil is very curious and has become quite the tree climber. she has breakfast sitting in a tree and quite happily watches the gardening as my parents work on the plants. She's very cuddly and would stay on you as long as you let her, no new words yet just lots of cute attempts. I ve got finals from monday so she is my study buddy and if her fist word is retina I ll be a very proud mummy lol. My dad has really taken a liking to her, they are inseparable, mom has a dislocated shoulder so she isn't too keen on having Basil walk on her just yet but they are becoming friends. Actually Capt I don't think I d catch up to you its only three parrots thats a small amount, my vet has eight, he says if I get to more than 8 then it may be a problem lol :)
I don't have that many pets: my three green ones :), two tiels ( lemon and budgie), a pair of zebra finches ( abbie & finch), two red eared sliders ( Luna & Lucy), and 8 budgies :) I used to own a pair of lovebirds but I gave them to a 6year old girl who's lovebirds flew away and she was quite sad and I really couldn't say no to her, so surprised her with strawberries and a pair of fischer lovebirds :) she was very happy and my heart melted. I would love a macaw but my mother says she has to draw the line somewhere lol
Congrats on the new family addition, She is extremely Cute and I wish the best for you both! :)

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