Bath Time


New member
Feb 24, 2015
Shamrock Macaw
OK, I wish I could have gotten pics, but handling her during bath time was enough for the first round. I've seen videos of Macs bathing, but never one in person. FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!! She got a little over excited when I initially turned on the water and bit the crap out of my mom(who was holding her while I adjusted water temp). After spending about 20 minutes happily voicing her opinion and dunking in the water, I took her out and began to assist with some pin feather on the back of her neck. She let me do this for awhile and cuddled against my chest and closed her eyes. I wasn't expecting this for a couple of weeks. Will give her another bath this weekend and hopefully get pics or video to share.:)
Sounds like both of you had a great time! Looking forward to photos of her next water adventure!
Oh yeah, macaws and amazons both - happiest when wet, I think...

I know that a few people have macs that don't care for water, but none of my macs, or even my fosters were the least bit shy about doing the happy flappy dance when wet...
I love watching the fids take a bath. Especially my YNA. He really gets into it lol The Mac I've only sprayed down and he enjoyed that.

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