Bedtime floor show


New member
Apr 19, 2015
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Clyde, Quaker; Freddie, tiel; Rocky, umbrella cockatoo.
Rocky's 9th birthday and fourth gotcha day is today. In the last week or two, he has taken to putting on a floor show at bedtime. Not every night, but regularly.

He has watched me encourage my tiel Freddie to spread his wings with the prompt "pretty wings!" so he's figured out that Mama likes to see that. He spreads his wings and puts up his crest and says "Rocky Too!"

Then he folds them about half way, leans forward and says "whoo!"

Back to "pretty wings" and "Rocky Too!!!"

Back to "whoo!"

Then he bounces up and down like he's dancing and kind of hums ("doo, doo, doo, doo").

We go through this performance three or four times and he usually also does a serious wing-flapping as if he's going to take off but he doesn't. He just hangs onto my arm tight (and I have the talon marks to prove it) and just flaps like crazy.

Of course all this makes us laugh and that encourages him. I don't know if this is the 'too equivalent of "I'm not tired yet! I don't want to go to bed!" or just a good-night ritual. He usually goes to bed fairly meekly afterward, with just a bit of squawking and protest.
That sounds too cute! Happy ninth hatchday, Rocky! The forum needs video evidence of this adorable-ness!
When I get the phone out for pictures, he turns into a plush toy instantly. I don't think a video will be forthcoming. LOL
Sounds like The Rockster has a nite-nite ritual lol and it sounds adorable to me too :D Would love to see him in action!
I get it with the camera though..I try to get Beebs on vid and as soon as he sees that red camera,he clams right up and his hat goes high in the sky and he freezes up like a statue!


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