Bedtime stinker


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Clyde, Quaker; Freddie, tiel; Rocky, umbrella cockatoo.
After much angst and argument, we have finally settled on 10 p.m. as Rocky's bedtime. However, like a human child, he has to argue some, and that often takes the form of pulling the cover off his cage, which is the Rocky equivalent of a child's "I'm thirsty! I have to go to the bathroom! I'm not TIRED."

Usually, I just go put it back on, maybe more than once, and we have to tell him three or four times that it's bedtime now. Last night, the stinker pulled off his cover and when it hit the floor, he said "Ta da!" I kid you not. LOL I couldn't help laughing, which is of course the WRONG thing to do, because now he'll think it's cute and he should do it all the time.
wow I'm realizing how lucky I am that my birds just put themselves away when it gets dark. I just thought that was a universal bird thing xD
Too funny!!!! Salty also has a 10PM bedtime, right after a bedtime scritch. He's very good about bedtime.
Well he’s not wrong. Saying TA DA when you’re behaving badly IS cute and funny.

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We had a spell of hormonal behavior a couple of days ago. Screaming. Biting. Running at me with wings out on full attack. So bedtime got moved back to 9:30, with much arguing and screaming and angst, but last night he was much nicer and maybe we nipped it in the bud, to quote Barney Fife.

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