Being Social


New member
Dec 12, 2012
My little guy seems very bonded to me - cries when I leave the room but not when other people do, tries to regurgitate for me, lays on his back in my hand, etc all of the telltale signs that I've read about - but the moment someone else visits my room, I don't exist and he only wants to be with them. It doesn't matter who they are, he's never met a person he hasn't liked whether they were 3 years old or 60 years old, male or female, etc so the main theory is he's just a social bird and takes the opportunity to hang out with someone new and exciting that he doesn't get to see every day. I still cant help but be a little paranoid just because I've had pets bond to other people in the past instead of me and it was a little heartbreaking to know I was second best, and that they wouldn't see their first choice very often. But since he's my first GCC and I don't personally know anyone else who has one, is this considered normal for a green cheek, to be so social? My mother always tells me he's an oddball and should hate everyone but me, but I thought green cheeks were a little more social than that? I just didn't expect it to this extent, and I get the juvenile jealousy feeling whenever he stubbornly wants to hang out with someone else :p


Sep 12, 2013
our cinnamon GCC was bonded to BOTH of us believe it or not, and she was very social as well. She always wanted all of us to be together(me, my husband and her) but she also wanted to be with whoever was the most interesting at the time. If we were at my in laws, she got passed around with no problem but always came back to us. It was form of entertainment for her I think ;)


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
Mitred Conure - Charlie 1994;
Cockatiel - Casey 2001;
Wild Caught ARN - Sylphie 2013
Most of my birds don't care for strangers at all, so it was a bit of a surprise, and a shock, to me when my new conure ended up being kind of like yours! Not many people are willing to handle her (she can bite hard!), and she seems to have a preference for older women. If she's with me and sees someone she'd rather hang out with, she'll try to get their attention. If she's on them, she gets pissed at me for trying to remove her!

I find it amusing, more than anything! And actually refreshing, too, to have a bird that enjoys being social!

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