Bella and Bingo


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I need to set the stage so you can understand how the circumstances came about.
Bingo can't fly. that's number 1.
Bingo doesn't like my wife and so I don't let them get close to each other .
I let Bingo out of his cage in the morning when my wife is still in bed.

So Bingo was out on top of his cage when my wife got up (Bella was out also hanging out in the bathroom).
Wife went to make coffee and Bella went into the kitchen to watch.
Wife brings coffee to Livingroom and Bella stays in kitchen looking out window.

Now I have a problem. My wife is now in "the danger zone" . Close enough that even Bingo can leap/flap and reach her.
Because I did not want to put Bingo back into his cage and because I was hungry and because Bingo has shown recent interest in hanging out in the kitchen I take him with me.

Bella is sitting on the pantry door, as far away from the stove as you can get in the kitchen.
I set Bingo on the back of a chair that is kept in the kitchen, he likes it there.
I was heating up a can of beans and suddenly Bella fly's down from the pantry door and lands right next to Bingo.
I yelled NO, stuck my hand in-between the two birds and Bella fly's off.

Why did she do it??
She had lots of other options for landing. The refrigerator (we keep recycling bottles and cans there and she like to through them on the floor).
She could have landed on my shoulder, she like to do that to.
She has always avoided Bingo and that's a good thing for her.
Bingo could feel threatened and lash out because fight/flight fight is all he has in his toolbox.

Is Bella looking for birdy friendship?
I think she is looking in the wrong direction if so.

I have always tried to keep her separate from the Twins. The few times they were out of cage at the same time (and in the same room) Merlin has swooped in and given her a low and fast flyby and I don't like him upsetting her.

It was very strange and very unexpected.
What did Bingo think of all that?! Sammy is not in Kirby’s room for similar reasons - she’s a very FIGHT bird and Kirby has arthritis and other crud going on so that he wouldn’t be able to get away - but Sammy seems super interested in Kirby, and they like to chat to each other from their own rooms.

I’ve been nailed by Sam enough times that I’m extremely cautious about her being around the kids and other animals too, so I feel you on that. Sounds stressful! Maybe Bella was scoping out to see his reaction, greys can be so dang smart and so dang unwise at the same time, haha. My first big parrot was a rescued Timneh who was afraid of her playstand but thought the kitchen sink was the bee’s knees!
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I guess Bingo's reaction was startlement and surprise.
I got there very quickly. All I had to do was take two steps and reach my hand out.
She has never showed interest in the amazons other than to stay away from them. Thats what made it so surprising to me as well as Bingo.

Because Merlin has such an intense interest in Bingo and Bingo has been very forgiving when Merlin is climbing on his cage I have made some small attempts at letting them out together.
Without bars between them there meeting was less than cordial.
No contact but lunging and intimidation.

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