BFA Mango


New member
Apr 17, 2015
Mango-Female Blue Fronted Amazon (14 yr old).
Aspen-Male Congo African Grey (9 years old).
Hello everyone,

I have had Mango (my female BFA) for three days now; she is roughly 14 from what I was told. She is warming up to me way faster than expected, definitely not pushing anything. She asks for head rubs, preens on my shoulder, sleeps on my shoulder, makes a lot of somewhat obnoxious noises when I greet my husband or show him attention and gives a lovely kissing sound when I kiss my husband. I hope she doesn't end up attaching him. He has been trying to give her healthy treats while he is home. :green:

I am still working up to being able to give her showers.

I am improving her diet from a seed based diet. She loves veggies (especially the green ones: broccoli, lettuce, kale, snap peas <- her favorite!).

I look forward to reading about other experiences!
Hi and welcome! Congrats on your new BFA! That is awesome that you can already give her scritches and she will already come to you! Also it's great that you can already get her to eat veggies!!! Showers will come in time. Can't wait to hear updates and see pics of Mango!
Hi there! Congrats! Mango sounds like a friendly girl, she really moved in and made herself at home in record time, that's so nice and willingly eating her veggies is a happy bonus too. I'm glad everything is going so well for you.
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Thank you! I am still waiting for the bad habits to come up, but she has been really easy. It seems my husband is getting more of her "moody" side. She does occasionally scream, but it soon subsides when I start talking to her.

I have found she does not like berries at all or oranges, but she will eat some sweet potato if I am eating it! I'm still learning what foods I can put in her bowl and which ones she takes out and drops on the floor, but I am very pleased with what she will eat.

I love my little fluff ball.

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