Big Scare!!


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
:eek: So yesterday I come home and my mother met me at the door with Cricket, and she is looking at me through the little window making razberry noises at me. Well finely my mom steps back away from the door to let me come in and, i dont know why it spooked her, but she took off "flying" and hit the wall/floor and of course she has done this so many times we didnt think any thing of it. I pick her up and she is nibbling my hand and when I look down there was blood :confused: I whipe it thinking "hmm, I dont think she bite me" So I turn my hand over and she is nibbling and snapping her beak :33: more blood... uh-oh... I put my hand up to her and let her bite again, sure enough more blood!!! OK... now I am worried, as I try to get a closer look she nibbled one more time and then I felt it... the beak gave way under the pressure of the small bite :eek: OK.... now me and my mother are at full force, I am telling her to grab the phone while I dig for my vets number... by the time I find the damn thing (which is now on the fridge) she has stopped bleeding and start whistling and acting like nothing had happened....
I called anyways, vet said to just keep an eye on her and keep her calm. She was a little "diffrent" for a couple hours, but nothing to worry about.... She was back to making telephone rings and saying "Where's Bubba" in no time... oh and not to mention begging for food :D
Oh, Cricket, what's up with you girl? :confused:

Is it something that scared her , maybe something new in her enviroment, or could that be her medicines that may bring her aggression... :confused:

I don't know, just thoughts coming straight out my hand... :confused:
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The door opening up scared her... :31: poor thing is always jumpy with that kind of stuff
The door opening up scared her... poor thing is always jumpy with that kind of stuff

I guess that should be the reason too!Yesterday while Phoebus was preening, I touched him without him looking at me, he lets me preen him too when he is preening, he got scared and started grawling and that would go on for 20 min. doing the same when I put my hand near him!

She will get over it I believe, just let her relax a bit! :D
Maybe a loud car that you didnt hear rushed by and she saw it. Hope she's ok, Kodie jumps if he gets a fright and i just have to catch birdie!:eek:
Chi you either didn't tell us or I skipped it somewhere...:eek:

Is she a female after all? :cool: :D
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Chi you either didn't tell us or I skipped it somewhere...:eek:

Is she a female after all? :cool: :D

no, havn't gotten the results back yet... I am still on the edge of my seat

Wow Chi, that sounds really scary!! I'm so glad that she's ok, I think I would have flipped out too!
I really was in a state of shock first... I just didnt understand how she had broke through the skin of my hand with out me feeling it :33:
I just keeped looking for the cut on my hand that I didnt feel :rolleyes:
OMG :eek: All sorts of questions went through my mind, but the only one thats important right now, is she okay. I would have freaked out.

Thank god she's okay. Keep us informed.
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hmm, I may be over exaggerating the damage... :p it was like cutting the quick on your cat/dog... you would never know what she had done if you would of looked right at her face to face
Yeah maybe, but when you see blood, its just damn scary,
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Yeah maybe, but when you see blood, its just damn scary,

yeah it is, licky I can keep my cool under stress like this... my mother on the other hand, isn't so good at it

A couple months ago my grandfather passed out standing out and my mother was in peices.... we laugh about now... she was running in circles because she didnt know what to do first. Finely I sent her out of the house to get my father, accually it was more like "Mom! get out of my way, GO GET DAD"
And my father was in aw, he didnt know what to do in a more calm sence... just stood there... so now we like to say that if something were to heppen to me, know one would know what to do :33:
Yeah, fraid I also lose my cool under stressful situations,
I'm slowly starting to keep my cool when something happens. You cant actually freak out and start running when a black rhino is curious, yeah happened to me, i was just moving to a tree and asked "should i climb it now?":D:D
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I'm slowly starting to keep my cool when something happens. You cant actually freak out and start running when a black rhino is curious, yeah happened to me, i was just moving to a tree and asked "should i climb it now?":D:D

Oh them rinos are like little fluffy kittens :rolleyes:
dont know why you would be scared lol
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I would've been up that tree so fast you wouldn't have even see me climb it, then I would have cried. :D
i was just moving to a tree and asked "should i climb it now?"

Woooowww! What an adventure you live in that continent!See that's why I want to go there, there are so many things I have in mind to do! :D

I don't mean get chased by rhinos, but since that's part of the game, you've nothing to do but ruuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
The door opening up scared her... :31: poor thing is always jumpy with that kind of stuff

Chi and Cricket, my goodness you had quite an adventure!! :eek::eek::eek: (Not the fun kind, tho!).

Chi, what medication(s) is Cricket on?
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Chi and Cricket, my goodness you had quite an adventure!! :eek::eek::eek: (Not the fun kind, tho!).

Chi, what medication(s) is Cricket on?

right now just the childrens cherry ben. I havntbeen able to get the poopie to the vet yet... things to do people to see, vet with poor hours... matter of fact tomorrow I get to have some wisdom teeth pulled (yay)
just cant find the time right now... and sence she is no longer picking or pulling at her feathers, she will be ok until things get less crazy next week

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