Bird Smell


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Half Moon Conure - Paco

I'm a fairly new bird owner and in the past I usually burn incense or candles, but now that I have Paco I can't. My house now smells like bird, does anyone know of any products that are safe to use around birds that will make my house smell decent again?

Welcome to the forum. I cannot imagine how a small bird like Paco can make your house smell. I have 4 large parrots and my house does not smell. I have asked others too. LOL! Are you cleaning the cage often? Do you leave fresh veggies and fruit in the cage to long? Misting Paco dailey with warm water will encourage him to preen and keep himself clean. You can simmer in a SS or glass sauce pan, some orange peels and cinnamon sticks. It makes the house smell yummy.

Greycloud has given you some great tips and advise.
Where is the bird's cage within the house, is there enough fresh air?
Take care
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Thanks! Maybe I'm just being paranoid! But it seems that the house does smell differently. I do clean the cage pretty often and he bathes daily or every other day. I change his water once or twice a day. Vegetables don't stay in the cage too long.... I also have an air filter but it seems to have it's own smell as well. I will try the orange peel and cinnamon sticks!
Birds do not carry bad odors as has been said. If they are a medical evaluation should be done by an avain vet.
Agreed....I have five birds, and they all sleep in the same room with the door closed every night. When I open the door in the morning, there is no smell. If cages and food bowls are clean, and there's a smell, something is wrong. What kind of a smell is it?
Everytime after Bella bathes she smells like black licorice to me. It's weird but it is totally her natural smell. She lets me sniff her feathers daily (that sounds weird but I swear I am not a nut!!!)
I have noticed a fruity/ citrus smell from Remington, I like it! I did the orange peels and cinnamon over the holidays and it worked well!
I find my parrotlet smells a bit like koolaid, but that's only when I really put my nose right up to him and inhale. I've never noticed a smell otherwise.
at a guess an please don't be offended it could be the smell of the scent from the insense sticks in your funishings breaking down?? i come across alot of scented products at work, and have noticed that when the scents wear off, the residue of that scent, trapped in the furnishings can sometimes make the room's smell odd, but odd smell will go away, opening windows is best i always find, to let air circulate
Max has a bit of a musty, birdie smell; but it isn't unpleasant and we can only smell it when he's sitting with us. The girls don't have an odor at all. I'm sure, like dogs, some have their own personal odor.

Simmering herbs and citrus is a good idea. Bird safe fresh flowers are also good, but that can get expensive.
Birdie smell is glorious! :D haha

I much prefer snuffling Cal to being greeted by two wet border collies who have been frolicking in a river...ewww!!

I put tiny dabs of essential oil such as lavender, rose or vanilla on a cotton pad and pop it behind the radiators in every room except the one Cal is in. Works wonders! Just never too much that it smells strongly because strong oil can make the air feel heavy. It can also cause headaches so imagine what your birdy would feel like breathing it in!
My birds have a smell, but it's faint, and pleasant. I have three in one room. I love to come in there in the morning to wake them and smell their little birdie smell. The Amazon we've recently adopted has a funky smell, but I have to be RIGHT up to his FACE to smell him. Smells a bit like morning breath. Lol. Doesn't smell up the room.
Two options, clean the cage DAILY like I do or give up the birds. I have no problem with bird smells. To me, cats stink like no bodies business.

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