BirdyBee's flock life!

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  • #43
The other day I let my birds out. I was tired, didn't really pay attention to he surroundings. I went back to the room to take them to the cages, and noticed the one window is open. I was just like "Oh sh**" and ran to close it. I got a big fright. Luckily none of my lil guys flew away.

I've had so many near misses with my flock. Lol.
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  • #44
Been a while since I updated this thread!

The birds are doing OK. Had a small health scare with Snowy, but luckily she is ok.

New flock member will be joining very soon! Stay tuned.
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  • #45
Flock update:

Sunny is a diabetic.
New bird is coming this week.

Also I caught Pipp sleeping with her head tucked away for the first time since she was a baby!:

(Ik she's in the same cage as the budgies, I keep an eye on them, usually she is in her own cage but for now she's with the others for um, reasons)
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  • #46
So update on flock

Received "crop treatment" from vet for Snowy. Fingers crossed it'll work🤞

Sunny's health has drastically improved.

New flock member, Gertjie, sadly died:(
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  • #47
Wow, it's been two years since I posted on this thread lol. Lots have changed, both with the fids and me

So update on the flock:
Pipp lost all her primary flight feathers on her right wing in a night fright, but she's good now lol, except for the fact that she's unable to fly until they grow back

Sunny is struggling with health and old age a bit(and lost her ability to fly over the past or so), so I've moved her to a smaller cage, but still occasionally put her with her buddies when she's lonely(with supervision of course)

Snowy is a-okay, shes a very happy girl lol

Johnny is looking good too and happier than ever

Griffen is struggling a bit, gonna get him checked by a vet as soon as I can

Also, we are moving to a new home 😁 the birdies will get their own small indoor aviary, which is really exciting! Sadly will have to rehome my fish though :/

But yeah, that's about it. I'm not sure what else to share but I'm free to answer any questions

Also cute birdie pic :>
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  • #48
Wow, it's been two years since I posted on this thread lol. Lots have changed, both with the fids and me

So update on the flock:
Pipp lost all her primary flight feathers on her right wing in a night fright, but she's good now lol, except for the fact that she's unable to fly until they grow back

Sunny is struggling with health and old age a bit(and lost her ability to fly over the past or so), so I've moved her to a smaller cage, but still occasionally put her with her buddies when she's lonely(with supervision of course)

Snowy is a-okay, shes a very happy girl lol

Johnny is looking good too and happier than ever

Griffen is struggling a bit, gonna get him checked by a vet as soon as I can

Also, we are moving to a new home 😁 the birdies will get their own small indoor aviary, which is really exciting! Sadly will have to rehome my fish though :/

But yeah, that's about it. I'm not sure what else to share but I'm free to answer any questions

Also cute birdie pic :>
View attachment 57742
I need to update the thread title lol I've changed my username

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