
4 way borbs

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2023
Waukee Iowa USA
Smokey | Athracite parakeet
Sky | cobalt, albino, yellow parakeet
Andy | Green texas clearwater
Hi everyone! off topic of the birthday thing but Sky's chilling in my hoodie and it's the cutest just as im doing this. soooooooooooooo my birthday party's on the 29 of October. im not going to tell you how old im turning and when my real day of birth is but it's a couple of day's and it's medival themed. ALLLLLLLLLLLL my friends are coming. P.S I don't have many friends besides birds. My dad I still live with says that for my birthday i will get a new parakeet. i want a albino male because albino's are so cool and males are better to train and friendly too. ask any questions about my birthday and ya ||| some photos of me and sky boi.
Sounds like it will be a fun party!! Happy early birthday and hope you have a blast!
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I just remembered this but my dog's birthday is REALLY THE DAY AFTER MINE

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