BlackNova ~ Pics.

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  • #21
So where are they, I tell ya we're all on our way over to you, and we are all bringing our birdies. :D
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a four page thread titled 'pix' and yet not a pic in sight ..

I have to agree with Red on this ... the problem here is that our fearless leader is just pushing us aside right now ... if he'd just post pics of his B&Gs we'd all be happy (not to mention that we'd leave you alone for a while after Nova)!!
I haven't forgotten about getting pictures of Herc. It's all Herc's fault. He hasn't done it, yet.:eek:
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  • #28
Thats right blame poor ole Herc :rolleyes:

Ya know what, Herc is our real leader here and we need to see him, all grown up. :D
Is it below 100 degree there??

Have camera, will travel ... :D
what great shots ... worth waiting for ... Herc looks very happy!
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  • #33
Yeah they are great, Isn't he a clever guy setting up that camera like that. They really were worth waiting for. Thanks
I'm too sexy for my tree, too sexy for my tree, too sexy for my tree ...
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  • #36
I'm too sexy for my tree, too sexy for my tree, too sexy for my tree ...

Ya know I was looking at the larger ones in the photo gallery and I thought of the very same song. :D
Well guys, I think everyone will agree with you!
Hercules looks amazing!
He looks to be in great health, so shiny, happy, playfull, even sexy ''little'' bird!:D
oh!and on a very nice tree! now I want one too... :cool:
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  • #38
and on a very nice tree! now I want one too...

They are really great, Bucc n Kito have one and they love it to bits, Bucc has hated all the playstands he's ever had but this tree he loves and spends most of his time playing on it.
What awesome photos!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Itwas only 11 degrees here today!! And you all talking 80/90/100!

Spare a thought for poor cold little me!

(I'll just blatently ignore the fact we are talking different units here)
lets see ... quick math, 11C = about 52F yeah, not really that cold ... no warm thoughts for you! :p

Let me know when it get down around like -25C then maybe I will give you some warm thoughts (BTW, that's how cold it gets around here in the Winter ... )

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