boiled egg?


New member
Jun 14, 2007
Is it good if:39: I give Pheobus half a boiled egg once a week? He really likes it . .
I asked this a while ago so I can just "parrot" what they told me.
Eggs are cool.
Scrambled eggs, cooked with shells is very very good for them.
Was there any further info?
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the whole egg whith the shell?ok, I'll try it next time!And if he doesn't like it he'll take it out himself.. thanks ! :)
Make sure it's boiled really well. Some sites I've read have even recommended that you boil the egg for 20 minutes. Eggs are very good during molting also.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Peta, but would the eggs possibly help with the feather plucking? I think one of yours was on a high-protein diet for that, right?
20 mins!!!! what are you thinking? LOL
Human level is fine, after it done being cooked past that level there is a chemical change that happens where your yolk meets the white part of the egg. If you have ever seen the greenish tint around a yold of a hard boiled egg, then you have seen a bit of this chemical reaction. that green stuff is sulfer and boy if smells like rotten... well... rotten egg LOL. I cant imagine that being good or plesant for any one or any fid.

I give my little one a half a hard boiled egg every so offten. She did know what to make of it, but when she figured it out she had the yolk every where on her face :D it was funny. She likes scrambled eggs better though. Have you tried giving your fid eggs cooked like that? If you do I usually make them for the week and I use two eggs one shell and little to no butter at all (for non-sticking purpose) But you can put anything in the eggs to make them more fun. Veggies, and nuts and what not. Most of the time I will make some eggs for my self and just give her some... no shell though and I still watch what I put on the eggs, because I know she is going to want what I am eating. :p
I swear that's what I've read. Fortunately however, my parents know how to cook and said that there was no way I was going to boil an egg for 20 minutes.

Sisqo prefers his eggs boiled, so he can grab them and eat them. When I make them scrambled, I put a little bit of cheese in it to make it more appealing.
OMG dont get me started on the cheese LOL
She is such a begger when it comes to cheese :D

if she drops it, it is the one food item she goes down and try to retreave it but she cant quite reach the floor hanging from the cage door but it is sure fun to watch.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, Peta, but would the eggs possibly help with the feather plucking?

It could yeah, Gemini is plucking again so he's back on the high protein, I swear he just loves getting those eggs, he eats everylast bit, eggs and shell. LOVES EM.

When Gemini is plucking he gets eggs everyother day, he's now starting to grow back a few feathers on his chest. :D
one of my breeders said you could toast the egg shells like chips and it was a great calcium source especially for obsessive egg layers like misty :)
Oh I'll have to try that for Leo, she's not obsessive but hey it can only help when she is laying. :D
Me two like a hard boiled egg with the shell still on. I just cut the egg in half and they pick at it and eat and play with it. I also do scrambled eggs with some turkey and cheese and then add some fruits or w/e
Hamlet's not a big egg guy, and have yet to try it with Mac ... we should though and see what happens ... But YES! Eggs are a good once-a-week type food with the shells too!
I was the same with chicken bones.
Im told its good for them, but I just cant bring myself to give him some.
Bucc loves his chicken and eggs, the bird is fed better than we are. Kito can't quite make out what the chicken bone is all about, but he loves the chicken. :D
interesting ,
thanks for the answer,
another food type is added to the list :)
I boil the eggs for Mishka just as I would for myself
He also loves them scrambled, or done in the microwave plain, like a sandwich...
He enjoys eating the shell, (rich in calcium) .... he chews them like we eat crisps.


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