

New member
May 1, 2024
Morrison the ecckie
Hey guys had my ekkie for a month now you can put your hand in the cage and he will quite happily climb on and il take him to the sette and he will try and fly to his cage I say try as he’s had his wings clipped which I’m waiting for them to grow back so I will get him again and yet again will happily come in to my hand but try getting to his cage again what I’m trying to say is will he always want to go to his cage I know there not a cuddly bird but I’d love him to sit and chill with me
Parrots are an exercise in patience. If he sits on your hand, sit right next to the cage, give him treats and lots of praise while he is there. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. Gradually increase the distance. Take, oh say 3 months before he will sit 5 feet from the cage.
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Parrots are an exercise in patience. If he sits on your hand, sit right next to the cage, give him treats and lots of praise while he is there. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. Gradually increase the distance. Take, oh say 3 months before he will sit 5 feet from the cage.
Thanks he will sit on your had all day but soon as he see his cage he wants to go to it also he won’t take a treat from you is that normal or just keep trying with treats also what treats can’t they resist

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