Bonnie and Clyde Results.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I have heard from the vet today who informed me that even if I'd managed to get them eating normally again they probably wouldn't have survived. Their insides were terrible, nearly every part was damaged in some way or another. The heart was the worst affected in both of them.

The sad thing is that this could possibly have been avoided if only they'd had a check up once a year.

Still not a lot of news on who put them on my doorstep, but I am making some headway at least. I'll let you know more when I finally come to the end of the road on this one. (that will be when I find out who left them here with me.)
I really hope you get to the end of the road on this one....

Good luck to you gal, I am getting my plane ticket ready to come over for the group beating ;)
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Good luck to you gal, I am getting my plane ticket ready to come over for the group beating

*evil cackle from Peta*
Is that the beating I'm gonna be giving you eh (50+) :D :D

I'll have the coffee ready and waiting, can't do a beating with coffee can we. :D
Chi, do you think that if we buy tickets together British Airways, or Virgin (I prefer Virgin for Trans-Atlantic flights) airways would give us a bulk-discount? I may be sore, and my knees might be gone, but I am sure I can get things together for a "beat-down" for Bonnie and Clyde!
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Tex ya did kinda let yourself in for that one mate. :D I tell ya this gals on a roll just lately, I should know. :D
tell ya this gals on a roll just lately

Oh I can tell you that I have deff been in a better mood too.
Life seem to be getting back together. I just found out I have great credit and I and eligible to buy a house... hmmm, might have to look into that (got to make sure it has a bird room though)
Now if I could only get rid of some of my exspensive toys hehe, any one want a brand new motorcycle :confused: ... nah I will keep that :p
Maybe I should get a couple more jobs to pay off my bike, computer and car :32:
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Now if I could only get rid of some of my exspensive toys hehe, any one want a brand new motorcycle ... nah I will keep that
Maybe I should get a couple more jobs to pay off my bike, computer and car

There not toys they are def necessity, you need the bike to get to work in the summer, computer for PF and the car for the winter. :D :D :D :D

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