Bubba, the Red Cheek


New member
Dec 14, 2009
I'm new to the forum and to Bubba. My friend who owned Bubba for 20 yrs needed to move in with relatives (who don't like Bubba). I am bird-sitting for the next several months. I've already spent too much $$$ buying fun toys for Bubba. I'm thankful that my other pets have finally acclimated to Bubba's presence. Bubba has white spots on his eyes. Is this some type of fungus? Anyone?
Take him to a vet. I have no idea what this could be!
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The white spots are on Bubba's eyes. If I had to guess, I would say on the cornea. They are about the size of a pin head, maybe a smidge smaller and most are grouped together making 1 bigger white blob. Most of the white spots/blobs are on the upper half of the eye on the nose side, in the pupil area. He's had them for several weeks, as far as I know. Otherwise he seems to be in perfect health. And no, I don't believe I can get a pic anytime soon.

I am long-term bird sitting for Bubba's real mom. She noticed the spots about a month ago or so.

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