Bucc Playing.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Bucc will NOT get onto scales for me to weigh him :eek: so we play a game where I can at least have a quick check up with him. He loves to jump onto the scales and watch the numbers change but thats about it. Here is our health check. If you can get your birds onto scales it is always a good idea to do so.



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This is kinda nice, think I'll have a sleep.

Ya didn't do the feathers quite right.
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The last one where he has to find his treats,

No he's not biting just using beak as extra foot, believe me if he was biting I wouldn't be standing there letting him do it. :D
Bucc is too cute, I love Grey's but at least I'm a godmother to 2 Grey's!!! Get my fix that way without having to bring home more birds and get in trouble :eek:
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Thanks Tracy, he is a real comedian and just loves to play this new game of his. Lucky he doesn't know that while he is playing I am checking him over. :D
Yeah you always got to find a way to trick them!!!! :D God forbid he knew you were actually checking him over!!!
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Yeah, he never let me do it then. We're still working on the scales, but so far its just a good game to see the numbers move all the time. :( Well hopefully when Kito comes home and we start getting him on the scales then maybe, just maybe ............ :D Well we can dream.

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