Budgie or Cockatiel for granddaughter?


New member
Apr 27, 2014
Sassy - 13 y.o. Blue Front Amazon, Cisco - 6 y.o. Sun Conure, Peanut - 8 y.o. U2
Fred - 2(?) y.o. Cockatiel, Ginger - 3 or 4(?) y.o. Cockatiel
I am considering getting a feathered friend for my granddaughter for either her birthday or Easter. She is going to be 7 and when she comes over she will stand in front of Peanut and just watch her. She constantly wants to pet her and as long as I am right there she is allowed. There's never been a problem with Peanut trying to bite her, but that's a big beak for little hands...
Anyway, I was thinking about either a cockatiel or budgie. I've had both years ago, and I just don't know which would be better for her. The only one I can remember having any trouble with was my female budgie...she was very "moody"...lol.

So, what do you all think? I would be keeping it here until I know my granddaughter can handle and take care of it properly. This is the granddaughter that I will be "grooming" to take my flock when I'm gone;). She loves all animals.
I would go with budgie personally. They are such smart little birds and you don't have to deal with the dust so there will be less for her to clean up when she is mature enough to take it home. Plus budgies don't live quite as long as tiels so that will free her up to choose her own favorite bird by the time she goes to (or at least graduates from college.). Plus you could let her pick the color which I am sure she will love with all the beauties available!
My vote is Budgie :).
Ideally, I'd get a handfed or already hand tame one. Considering your granddaughter's age, tiels can have a significant bite and draw blood. Plus the extra dust (although my budgie produces dust that I can see on his black cage). Not saying a Cockatiel wouldn't be appropriate too, just that a budgie might be better for even more reasons. Barring individual personality differences of course, male Budgies and female tiels have a reputation of being easy going pets.

I am biased though.. I'd love to have more Budgies myself! Such cute and funny little things. So underestimated and under valued too!
Either one is fine! But it's not easy to find a handfed budgie now days as it is with a cockatiel.
Get a California Condor. It can give her rides to school.
I vote for cockatiel if she likes Peanut. Kind of a "small" version:) Budgies and cockatiels are both appropriate "first pets" though, especially since she will be getting a lot of help learning to care for her new friend.

On a side note, both budgies and cockatiels can live quiet a while (obviously not as long as the big boys, but still long enough she will be an adult by the time either one reaches the end of it's life). My parents never thought my first real pet (a leopard gecko) would live as long as he has. I got him when I was 7, I'm 26 now and he's still here (though, every day he's still with me is a mini miracle at this stage in his life)! In making your choice, keep in mind she will have her bird through a lot of upcoming life changes, so you and her parents have to kind of make that call whether or not she will possibly loose interest in 5/10 years and what happens when she goes to college or moves out on her own. Just something to think about.
Leanna, this is such a sweet story. You have to share the rest with us as it unfolds.

I agree with April, If your granddaughter is fascinated with Peanut and isn't intimidated by her, I think she would love a cockatiel, especially with you there to help. Maybe I'm biased, my first bird was a tiel given to me by an aunt, I kept the bird for his entire long life Budgies are great birds too, I just think a cockatiel would be more affectionate for a little girl's first bird.

Im looking forward to hearing what you decide.
Either one is fine! But it's not easy to find a handfed budgie now days as it is with a cockatiel.

Usually breeders have the English handfed. The only place I've ever seen American hand feds were at a bird store. You used to hand feed Americans didn't you Michael?

It's highly likely the next time I get a bird it will be a handfed English Budgie.. Have you seen them Leanna? They're about twice the size of a regular American one, and said to be a bit more docile in personality (since they were originally developed as show birds). They're very cute. A giant budgie :D.

Cute Little Birdies Aviary - Welcome To Our Aviary! I'm not personally familiar with this breeder, but from her website, looks like she has a pretty nice operation. Interesting and informative website too!

I also think that what April mentioned about a Cockatiel being like a miniature Peanut (since she really likes your Peanut) might be a nice reason to get a tiel.

If you had to pick, think which one you'd really prefer for yourself (in case it ends up becoming yours for whatever reason). Both species can be noisy, but I personally can deal with Budgie screaming easier than I can Cockatiel chirping!
I have actually handfed both American Parakeet and English Budgies. You don't see much of either here. Every so often I'll find them available.
I'd ask her.... Or take her to look at some possible adoptees and choose somebody.

If I was picking, I'd probably go with the weiro (cockatiel). She may be good with birds, but she'll have friends. The bigger bird might be less susceptible to being squashed by some grabby clueless visitor. Not a huge worry, but -shrug-
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Thanks everyone for your advice!;) I greatly appreciate it! I did look at some budgies today at Petsmart...not to buy, just to get an idea. I was buying toys for the fids (Pea has a favorite that is sold at Petsmart so I needed to restock). I have seen English Budgies before and yes, I think that would be great if I could find a breeder! I also think a cockatiel would be great:eek:. I told hubby that I think I will take my granddaughter and let her pick (or be picked). Next problem is finding a breeder nearby. There is a family owned pet store about 45 minutes from us so I may try there. The keets at Petsmart today didn't impress me at all! I am also thinking since it will start out here, I need to think about what's most likely to fit in with my flock. In the event that I would end up down the road with whichever Sasha (granddaughter) picks, either is fine...I love keets and tiels! I guess I will have to go with what Sasha wants and what feels right. If I had to pick I would get one of each:32:....:grey::whiteblue:

I will keep you updated:D!
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HAHAHA...I don't think I'm up to that...lol. I already played that game when I was raising budgies and cockatiels years ago. VERY rewarding and amazing to watch them change and grow every day! But too much work and worry for me to do again.
I'm looking forward to Sasha's thoughts on her new bird. Have you told her or is this a birthday or Easter surprise?
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I told her a while back that some day Grammy and Papa would get her her own little bird. But I haven't told her that it may be soon...lol. I got my older granddaughter a pair of roller skates that she wanted for her birthday a couple weeks ago, so I also don't want her to feel slighted, even though she really doesn't like birds. For that reason I'm thinking maybe for Easter for both of the girls, even though I know it will be Sasha that will end up taking care of and loving it. I'm pretty sure it will be either be birthday or Easter present this year though. I'll keep you updated...:D

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