Cage and toy help


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Cape Cod MA
Gold Cap Conure
We just got a GCC and have a large cage for him. We have a couple toys in there for him, but there is plenty of room for more. Is there any special toys out there that I should get.
Also in the cage there isn't anywhere to hang the toys in the middle, just from the sides. The top of the cage is flat because the catch drawer for the top play area is there, so there is no cage to hang toys from. Did I get a bad cage or is it just a stupid design.
Maybe you could find a perch long enough to put high across the top, and hang toys from it?
By their very nature conures are shredders. So any toy that shreds is good. It can be a peice of cardboard. One of my conures fav. toys is an old basked that I cleaned up and he went to town shredding it.
I have gotten Maxx into foraging toys. He has to work to get his favorite treat, Nutri-berries.
Here is the one I started with, just a simple cover over a cup, I showed him the treat, put it inside and let him figure out how to get it out.


The triple cup was the next one. He got the first one pretty quick, but had to work to get to #2, and #3. Each cup gets harder as the weight for the upper ones are added to it. He now can get into #3 in a few seconds.


He just started on this box with treats inside, I must say it took him a few days to get it ripped apart and to enjoy the treats. It was in his cage all of 30 seconds before he started into it.



He loves to shred and chew on wood toys so this Bird Kabob from Petsmart is perfect. He has the top 2 kabobs completely destroyed. Perfect toy for him.
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Thanks for the info. I noticed the rope perches also. Does Maxx seem to like them. I was also thinking about grabbing one of those cuddle things they sleep and hide in.
Thanks for the info. I noticed the rope perches also. Does Maxx seem to like them. I was also thinking about grabbing one of those cuddle things they sleep and hide in.

Yes, he loves them. I have 2 in his cage, and his Boing is made of the same material.
Hi, I use this site alot The Toymaker DIY Bird Toys- Make Your Bird Toys. Exotic birds & parrots bird toy ideas.

I make my own foraging boxes with mini and reg sized raisin boxes.. or a paper towel around a Tp tube. I get legos and safe toys from goodwill and garage sales, run them thru the dishwasher, drill holes in them and hang them. BE SAFE!!! string, sm chains are fun but they can be dangerous for birds. I even made a ladder myself LOL.. it looks crazy but my birds love it! Have fun, use your imagination.
Excuse me Bio, what wonderful cage you have. May I know what those pair of thick twirled up strings are called, please and thank you.

And steph wow Ive wanted ladders for my pets, I am impressed that you made your own. May you PM me how or is that info in the link you provided?
My GCC Tori LOVES shredding pieces of paper that I roll up for him and stick through the bars. He also loves strings and bells.

Also: I have that exact same shredding box! Tori doesn't touch it though. XD I don't think he knows what it is. I have the same disco-bell too!

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