Cage Liner re smell


New member
Jun 25, 2013
Bronze Wing Pionus
I'm using newspaper on the bottom of Diamond's cage, stacking a bunch and removing the top sheet each morning. I eventually want to train him to poop (only) on Chinese-language newspaper, so I want to be consistent with his normal pooping environment.

I've modified the basic idea so far by putting a catch tray under his fresh-food dish, and a folded paper towel on top of the newspaper directly under his sleeping perch.

The layers of paper towel seem to prevent most of the soak-through, and I want to get a pad or something to do better there.

My main issue is that my wife, Tao, is complaining of the smell. It is unusual that she is bothered by it while I don't notice it, as usually I have the over-keen sense of smell. When she comes home I tell her what she had for lunch that day, and certain foods are designated "outside foods" :) She says I have a nose like a dog.

So maybe it's a particular gene, like the way broccoli is "rotten egg" to some folks and sweet to others. Or maybe it's somewhat psychological, having poop near the food-prep area in the house.

From the onset, I've been using “Nature's Miracle Cage Odor Eliminator.” on the paper when I put it out, and in the trash. I don't know if it does anything really, or if it is useful sprayed on fresh paper where it drys; will droppings then find it there? I don't think it works that way.

So, what about some kind of bedding material that would absorb odors? I can put a small container of that under the hot zone where most of the droppings occur. If the smell comes from liquid droppings, something like kitty litter would help.

Any suggestions of what to try?


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Because you have a Pionus you really shouldn't layer the paper, they are one of the most prone species to get aspergillosis. That's a terrible fungus that grows in the lungs. I used to layer the paper, but I no longer do so for that very reason.

As for the smell, parrot poop doesn't have a smell unless they are ill, ask your wife if she started smelling this recently. If so maybe you should have diamon checked out just to be safe.

Your wife also might be smelling the natural sent of a Pionus, they are known for having a musky smell. Nothing you can really do about that, your wife will have to learn to live without lol

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