Cage Size


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May 19, 2009
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I've been looking for a good size cage for a Sun Conure. I've read a few popular sizes - but what size cage do you use for similiar sized birds (to a Sun Conure)?
That really depends on how much time he'll spend in it.

Roughly 2x3x3ft is a fairly common cage size that I would say is the absolute smallest appropriate for a conure - this could be okay if they were out of the cage a vast majority of the time, but not so good if they spend the day in their while you're away at work.

It would be hard to be too big - but keep in mind a bigger cage is much harder to clean. You want a size you can commit to keeping clean for him/her.

Bar spacing is another issue - shouldn't be so wide that they can get their head between the bars - very dangerous if they can. Also be aware of coatings or materials - very few if any reputable sources have cages still coated with anything dangerous (zinc, etc).

In addition to spacing is bar size itself. A conure can do quite a bit of damage with their beak. I suspect most conures could chomp right through the thin bars common of parakeet/finch cages.

Take a look at the latches/closures as well. It's amazing how good conures are at opening cages, or completely disassembling them if they can get at the nuts and bolts.
I recommend you that two cages
from and
> from They are in a good prices and qualitys too
The cage i have for my senegal is 30" x 18" x 62" it's this cage to be exact:

Pali PlaceTM 30" x 18" x 62"Free Shipping!:

I have two of these cages actually. I have one which my two cockatiels share and i have had that one for over 2 years now and it's still in like new condition. And then i have the one Kayto is in, and i've had is for over a year now and its still in like new condition as well. A few cage companies make the same sized cage only a few slight changes. I have this exact cage that i link above to with the metal tray, and then the 2 platforms and ladders(which are removable). I highly recommend this cage. Also it has a flat top so if you wanted you could put a play stand on top.

The only worry i have for the cages that AiSell posted is that with the open top, they're often spring loaded or something to the effect of that and i've heard a few cases where birds have been decapitated. Not all are like this, and maybe with so many complaints about them they may have changed their design so it cant happen. And if your handy i think you can adjust it so it cant happen, but then it may mean you can open the top of the cage. Just something to think about.

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