can i teach my bird to sing and dance?


New member
Mar 29, 2022
pineapple conure
not a parrot but a oriental white eye(rescued)
i have a female green cheeked conure and ive been trying to encourage her to sing and dance but not a lot of things have worked, i also have a oriental white eye who doesnt really sign either, if theres any tips for what you guys maybe did to make them sing and dance?

(the birds from my other thread-one died but the other one survived and is a yellow vented bulbul)


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
Are you talking about the bulbuls or conure?- (sorr about the other bulbul :()
I honestly never seen a singing conure..
For my conure whenever she would bob her head ill just reward her
Not sure if it’s possible if your bird doesnt dance at all


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
2022 Parrot of the Year 🏆
Mar 15, 2022
Fairfield Connecticut, USA
Maddox is a green cheek conure
I'm really not sure if something like that is really plausible. Conures are a lot like people in the sense that they have varying personalities. Just like some people like to sing and dance, and others don't some conures like to sing and dance while others don't. I am assuming that you haven't had your conure for too long so maybe she just needs to get more comfortable with her surroundings. That was the case for my boy Maddox. He was pretty shy for the first few weeks, but now does all kinds of singing and dancing. He particularly likes the Grey's Anatomy opening. I also play bird noises on the tv which gets him going so maybe that is something you could try. Good luck and reach out of you have any questions!


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Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Well first figure out his favorite treat, and that now becomes the training treat. Set aside a set period of oh 15 minutes every day same time for training. To do the dancing, I would take the treat, and move if side to side close to the birds beak but just out of reach. You want him to follow it. Start with doing it back and forth just 1x at first. When he follows it, reward immediately. Use a hand and verbal cue to the bird and always use it. Gradually increase the number of times you go back and forth until it starts to look like he is dancing. THis is how I got my parrot Salty to spin in place, just following the treat. THere are many good trick ideas on Saltys trick videos, link below.


Well-known member
May 31, 2017
Yoda, Green Cheek Conure - Trigger, Congo African Grey
My conure Yoda definitely dances and he sort-of sings. He loves music and he loves when I sing to him, so I sing to him often. I'm not sure if he started bouncing up and down to music on his own, or if he was mimicking me dancing as I sing to him. We've also taught him the 'Turn Around' trick and he randomly throws in his turning around when he's bouncing up and down. He's also worked in swaying side to side so the result is a unique little dance whenever he hears music. He typically gets very excited when he dances and so he chirps out as he does, but it's a real stretch to call it singing... he's not much of a singer... unless you think screaming is singing.. then again, my husband is really into heavy metal music (and so is Yoda) so perhaps they would call it singing... lol

So in other words... don't expect her to sing or dance or say anything clearly... but by all means encourage these behaviors when she does them and demonstrate these behaviors to encourage her to mimic. :)


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