Carrying cage clean.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Pearl-African Grey-Hatched Apr. 28,2011
We have a decent sized carrying cage for our African Grey parrot Pearl. We haven't had room for it in the house lately so we set it out in our pole barn witht the mowers,pool table, and things that would generally be in a building. Nothing has been set on it or near it but we brought it back in the keep Pearl in in the evenings so she can be in the family room with us. What I was concerned about is that could there be anything in the air that could get on the cage bars that could potentially harm her? We steamed it,wiped with vinegar and water,and steamed again. Is it safe for her?I'm just paranoid about her safety.

Given the steps you took to clean it, it is probably fine. What I did before putting my new amazon in my former BCC's cage was wash it with dish soap and water, rinse and then apply a 10% water and bleach solution and rinse. I did one area at a time to be sure bleach didn't dry on the bars, and basically rinsed the whole cage down each time. Even though the conure appeared to die from a sudden stroke, I just wanted to be sure.
You should be fine, I've never even bought a new cage, all of mine have been used, usually from craigslist. I just scrub them really well with white vinegar and really hot water(about 130 degrees) and I've never had a problem.
you have a decent sized carrying cage for our African Grey parrot Pearlin our nation. Nothing has been set on it or near it but we brought it back in the keep Pearl in in the evenings so she can be in the family room with us. What I was concerned about is that could there be anything in the air that could get on the cage bars that could potentially harmful to them?

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